Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How Can I Get Rid Of My Urticaria

30 minutes of winks .....

... Wednesday July 18, 2007, a date that I will remember for a long time ... to experience a 'myocardial is not really nice .... now everything is over, so the story ... for this time it went well ....

  • at 18:30: a few minutes I feel a general malaise, it passes the time and pain as more intense and insistent is localized in the chest accompanied by a strong sense of oppression. The pain also spreads to the arms (more on the left). I decide to get off the roof (I trade the antenna and then it is normal to find me on a roof ...), I sit down somewhere minutes in the car .... I say 'perhaps the hot, now will not it?' ... no, do not pass, increases ... a lady of the building gives me a glass of water ...
  • 18:50 hours: ok, but I'm seriously concerned and from my mobile phone do the "118 " immediate response. Notice also trying not to alarm my wife. Fast the ambulance arrives on site. Are now in their hands, lying on the couch inside the vehicle and come promptly "skewered" by a drip in a few minutes ago I kill the pain. It starts in the direction of the emergency department of Forli.
  • approximately 20:30 hours: outpatient visit in the PS, after 'Park' in other room pending the outcome of the examinations. The pain is almost gone, I'm waiting .... Indeed, we are waiting .... in the company of my wife and a family friend.
  • abundant 01:15 hours: nurse takes me in a room of the department ... I will be their guest for tonight ... pending investigations more accurate and secure. My wife and her friend can go home.
  • at 08:30 of 19/07/2007: A doctor visiting me and tells me that I will be admitted to the cardiology department, are transferred to the upper floor, just in cardiology, CCU section ( Therapy Unit Intensiva Coronarica ) .... sono collegato con una selva di tubi , tubini , terminali adesivi , cavi di collegamento con strumenti vari .... insomma , sono monitorato e controllato 24h su 24h ....
  • ore 10:00 del 20/07/2007 : vengo trasferito in una sala operatoria del reparto di Emodinamica e mi viene eseguita coronografìa + angioplastica
  • ore 12:00 del 20/07/2007 : fine intervento
  • 21/07/2007 : trasferimento da reparto UTIC a reparto cardiologìa 'normale' , seguono numerosi controlli e/o misurazioni continue del mio stato (pressione , elettrocardiogramma , ecc )
  • 24/07/2007: go back home ........
Therapy Recommended
  1. Losing weight (if possible ..... I see it hard 15/20 Kg)
  2. Stop Smoking (here .... perhaps we have not touched tobacco since 19/07/2007 )
  3. Eating regulated and controlled (this is delegated to the wife ...)
  4. .... a box of medicines to be taken ...
duty to thank:

Monday, July 9, 2007

Colors To Match With Ivory

Elitel: it seems to pass bad times .....

From what we read online a few days it looks like the phone company ' Elitel ' is having a hard time .... on the various forums and blogs, there are thousands of reports of telephone services and / or adsl broken since the day July 4.

Point Computer , ZeusNews and other online tests indicate problems.

At first Elitel has justified the same thing with a 'big failure' to their central (or those of Telecom Italy), but then there are widespread rumors began to circulate, I do not know if true or not, that 'Milan-based company has a debt to Italian telecom approximately EUR 106 million, debt is not honored ..... and then from 3/7/2007 to Telecom started the progressive detachment of all voice lines and broadband 'turn' to Elitel.

Today the situation is not at all clear, nothing appears on the website of the Company to date, no official statement, the mass-media institutions (newspapers printed , TG, TV, etc.. ), Unless I have missed, make no mention of what .... the fact is that about 400,000 customers Elitel are currently no telephone and no adsl.

Under "about us" site there 'a passage that I think' interesting ':

In March 2007, 58% of Elitel Telecom was acquired by Vive la Vie SpA and Telva Vive la Vie SpA SpA is a leading operator of integrated services in the convergence of telecommunications and Information Technology. The acquisition was part of a plan of strategic realignment under which Vive la Vie Telva and provide an important operational support and financial position to support the implementation the new business plan of the Group.

Some useful links I found where it speaks of the thing: 1 2 3

UPDATE 09/07/2007 at 20:30 of the : I wrote above that "... the mass-media institutions (newspapers printed, TG television, etc..), unless I have missed, make no mention of what ... "is NOT true .... on 'Republic' is out of 07/07/2007 this article.



Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bms 1 Breadmaker Instruction

Mamma Rai for the agent: another 'gem' .....

Here we see what is available to Mamma Rai Italiani residenti all'estero , davvero una chicca .... mah , e lo chiamano "servizio pubblico"

Oltre alla storia vecchia (ormai) dei diritti per l'estero che riguarda gli Italiani residenti in giro per l'Europa .....

Se poi si cerca su Google la stringa "rai international" si ottengono circa 2.780.000 risultati.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Heat-resistant Craft Paint

... and then end up the win (Nokia N95) - Geekissimo

Una interessante operazione di marketing non c'e' dubbio ... , ma come tanta altra gente , partècipo comunque a questo contest dove il primo premio è il nuovossimo telefono (And other) Nokia N95 home.

What part of the blog ' Gekissimo ' in collaboration with the On-Line Store .

Readers of this little web space may in turn participate ripsettando these few simple rules:

  • The gift is a Nokia N95, including shipping.
  • all players can participate Geekissimo talking about this contest in your blog or Web site. The paper should contain the first image that says "Geekissimo Ollo store and they give you a Nokia N95" and a link to this post, if you decide to participate, write it in the comments below not later than 24.00 on Sunday, July 1, 2007.
  • The winner will be chosen at random live webcam connected to the site .
  • The contest lasts 14 days and will end Sunday, July 1, 2007. 24.00.


update in real time .... The DIRECT here:

Updated: how did it go?? .... won shattereddreams

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pilot Valve For A Mira Shower Sport

La7 clear on Hotbird 13 ° east

From 13/06/2007 is admissible from Hotbird satellite at 13 degrees east, uncoded , a TV channel made in Telecom ' La7 '.

For the truth was already present on this satellite, the platform of Sky-Italy, and then encoded, then admissible only by the lucky (or unlucky, depending on your point of view ...) subscribed to Sky.

These technical parameters for tuning the channel:
  • stardard: DVB-MPG2
  • Frequency: 11541 Mhz
  • polarity: vertical
  • s / r: 22000
  • fec: 5 / 6
  • video pid: 213
  • audio pid: 214 (Italian)
  • video format: 720x576 - 4:3 - 25 fps.
The video / audio quality seems to be quite good.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Using Paypal For Webcams Illegal

Subscriptions RAI-TV (long post) ....

I'd like to know what strange and mysterious reason, a lot of people confuse the email address of Rai with that of the undersigned ... maybe a bit of similarity between the letters 'rai' and 'rtrsat' ???... the fact is that un'anno fà gìà descrivevo su questo spazio il problema , cioè che continuamente ricevo e-mail (mediamente circa una decina alla settimana) da parte di cittadini italiani che lamentano disfunzioni e/o disservizi sull'argomento .... credo che , in buona fede , questi utenti scrivano alla casella postale '' perche convinti di indirizzare le loro richieste alla Rai Radio Telelevisione Italiana .
Purtroppo non è cosi e di conseguenza le loro richieste cadono nel vuoto. Ho sempre cercato di rispondere comunque utilizzando una risposta automatica con questo testo:

Come evidenziato in questa pagina ( ) we want to emphasize that il_WebMaster web space '' * HAS NOTHING TO DO * with the administration of Subscriptions RAI

I think we should contact the RAI RADIO TELEVISION * ITALIAN * at the following web address:

have traced the addresses of regional offices of RAI: \u200b\u200b http: / / / UFFICIO_STAMPA_MAIN_SEDI.aspx

For any other questions:

------------------------ --------------

I would point out that the only way to contact the Rai seems to be popular in '199 .123.000 ', a sort of toll number to which, however, apart the usual recorded voice that lasts for a long time, does not satisfy anyone.
seems there (at least I do not find it in Portalone Rai) is an address electronically.

below lists the texts of some e-mail I received, of course, without references and personal data of writers (see Privacy):

------------------- -------------------------------------
  • I apologize if you take advantage of this and still- mail, but had he stayed for 20 minutes to hear the same messages without being able to talk to anyone, for the third time I got the urge to subscribe, you dope 2 carloline clear mandate from you and after having bothered to send me 2 times to this and mail.Non-understand with whom he had spoken potte municipal registry office but then again for the 'umpteenth and last time I hope that my residence is the same as my father xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx (since che inviate le lettere allo stesso indirizzo, numero civico, palazzina e se volete sapere anche l'interno Vi comunico che è il x.In tutti i casi visto che dite che non convivo con mio padre che paga regolarmente il canone fatemi sapere che documenti Vi devo mandare, naturalmente a vostre spese, per dimostrarvelo.Inoltre, se per voi abito in mezzo alla strada, potete anche dedurre che non possiedo televisori e quindi non devo pagare il canone.Mettetevi d'accordo e cercate invece di produrre programmi più decenti per ringraziare almeno un pò tutte quelle persone che pagano il canone.

  • Ho oggi ricevuto il Vostro sollecito di pagamento del canone televisivo per gli anni 2006-2007.Come Vi avevo comunicato tramite lettera a codesto indirizzo, i canoni sono stati da me pagati con conto corrente postale da Voi inviato come ogni anno. Nella mia lettera Vi avevo spiegato che il canone televisivo risultava intestato a mio marito che, però, è mancato. Ma io ho continuato regolarmente a pagare per l'abbonamento n. xxxxxxx, codice di controllo x, intestato a xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx , via xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx (xx)Il pagamento per il 2007 è stato effettuato il xx-xx-2007 con numero di versamento xx/xxx xx- xxxx, presso l'Ufficio Postale di xxxxxx.Nella mia lettera Vi avevo espressamente chiesto di variare l'intestazione dell'abbonamento a mio nome e, cioè, a nome di xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx, born in the xxxxxxx xx-xx-xxxx, residing in XXXXX xxxxxxxxx via xx.Penso that your urge is born from the fact that there is that I have bought a new TV at the Mercatone xxxxxxxxxxxx to replace the old that has been properly scrapped in the municipal landfill and, therefore, in your records appeared on my nominativo.Vi I kindly ask that you verify the data I'm sending in order to assess my complete good faith and seriousness. If, then, you would like to also check the liege and I have always been in the payments, you can go back to 1973 at this same address and you will see that every year I made the due payment of the fee, of course, xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx on behalf of the capofamiglia.In pending a Your quick response and hope that the issue is resolved, I greet you cordially.

  • the ca-Administration Subscriptions
Protocol: FP / ABB / SA / SS / xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - xx.maggio 2007
Egr. Gentlemen, once again I come in to your subject matter and I will answer as in previous circumstances, on behalf of xxxxx xxxxxxxx. That
receives from a few years, your reminder to say that as I said and I confirm that xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx to live in Italy for over ten anni.Torna occasionally e vive in famiglia. Non possiede TV e quindi non può essere abbonata.
Vi prego gentilmente di evitare di sollecitare il pagamento del canone, come già detto nelle
risposte degli altri anni. Vorrei vivere in pace senza le Vs. scocciature. Organizzatevi
Firmato xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Via xxxxxxxx, xx
xxxxx - xxxxxx

  • L'anno scorso ho ricevuto la lettera protocollo FP/ABB/SA/SS/xxxxxxxxx intestata a xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx e Vi ho risposto spiegandoVi che mio marito xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx era morto il xx/xx/xxxx ed io non avevo mai cambiano l'intestazione dell'abbonamento nr.xxxxxxxx e chiedendoVi che what to do. I was told to leave the header xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx and the number of subscriptions to use my husband. As of today I find myself again with the usual letter Protocol FP / ABB / SA / SS / xxxxxxxxxxxx still asking me the same thing. But I want to understand it or not are always the same person as successor to marito.Per my luck that I have no other names. This year I even forgot to pay the subscription. How much should I pay. seeing as I pay now for all 2007 (and previous years ALWAYS BEEN PAID). Even last year I paid a bit of interest on late but I paid. Look for an answer Thanks and best regards. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx (or if you prefer xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx basta che vi decidiate su come volete l'intestazione)
  • *In relazione al protocollo FP/ABB/SA/SS/xxxxxxxxxxx, di richiesta di abbonamento RAI, vorrei precisare, che in tale appartamento, NON HO UN APPARECCHIO TELEVISIVO, che possa essere riferito allo scrivente. Infatti, per motivi personali, frequento raramente questo appartamento. Sperando di essere stato esaustivo e in virtù dello spirito collaborativo che anche voi invocate, credo che eventuali controlli, da voi paventati, non apporterebbero alcun nocumento allo scrivente.*

    *Nel ringraziarvi, porgo i miei migliori auguri.*
  • Lo scrivente patronato in nome e per conto del assistito Sig. xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx residente a xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx, in riferimento a Vs lettera protocollo FP/ABB/SA/SS/xxxxxxxxxxxx del xx/xx/2007 si fa presente che il canone 2007 in causa è stato regolrmente pagato presso ricevitoria
    cod. Lottomatica: xxxxxxx
    Rinnovo Abbonamento 2007 data 01/02/2007 ore 09:37:25
    abbonamento numero : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    codice: 1
    per un importo pagato di €104,00.
    pretanto si chiede l'annullamento della cartella arrivata.
    Si rimane in attesa di un gentile riscontro da parte Vostra.
    Distinti saluti.
  • Spett.le RAI
    vorrei sapere le modalità più semplice senza having to go file the doors to stop the TV abbonemento my cousin xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx No xxxxxxx role that he left his home to go to a nursing home.
    We look forward to your calls for a reply, thank you for your thoughtfulness with which you want to answer. The prosecutor x.xxxxxxxxxx
    Dr. xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
  • I sent regular subscription canceled subscriptions over the counter agent 'in Via Torino 1 on 01/11/2006
    using the attached form to book your subscription by registered return receipt No. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
    Today I continue to receive payment reminders
    do not understand why 'having followed the practice laid down in the cancellation still did not become operational
    If you should require additional documentation please send me the forms related to the following address via
    xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx
    the 'subscription' control code number xxxxxxxxx xx
    waiting for your kind feedback
    I extend my best regards.
  • E 'received by the undersigned xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxuna GESTLINE of the tax notice on behalf of my husband xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx, for fees for the years 2004 and 2005, without notice in order to clarify the situation and also, without further for Vs.azienda since these fees are been paid on my behalf.
    was also set up a toll number (199123000) to which I have already called me 4 times to indicate the correct address to which to communicate and I was told that the operators were not available and therefore my claim is made in richiamare.Questo because it does not seem right that you make users pay for telephone calls disruptions of VS. competence. I hope to have an answer.

    Letter Signed

......... and these are just a few ....


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Price Per Foot Retaining Wall

Energy from Solar Panels (Skypecasts)

the Net are a lot of useful information on the ' photovoltaic panels ', for example just go on Google.

Personally I had already spoken in this small space web, today returned to the issue because I like to organize a beautiful Skypecasts where each participant brings their own experience and / or knowledge on the subject.

Here are the links if you want to participate, the first appointment is tomorrow morning at 11:00 local .... 27/05/2007 if we are many and if there is interest we will repeat the experience ....

I also thought about sending some email invitation to people I know and I know that interested in what (I hope I do not take it as spam ..)
of 27/05/2007 at 15:00: .... eh, the Murphy's Law, when you organize something on the Net for the next day ... then you turn on the PC and you find that DOES NOT ... and series of expletives ... missed appointment ... Sorry, new appointment for 28/05/2007 at 22:00 about .... this direct link to Google Calendar.

UPDATE 28/05/2007 at 14:00 of: turning the net I found these 3 video files that I think of some interest: -----------------
Video of the Conference of the buying group on solar panels held Sunday, May 13 2007 ad Alcatraz (registrazione del pomeriggio): con la partecipazione di Jacopo Fo, Maurizio Fauri, Stefano Andreani.

Pannelli fotovoltaici e "Conto Energia", alla luce delle ultime disposizioni introdotte dal Ministro Bersani. Conviene o no mettersi sul tetto una minicentrale solare per il proprio fabbisogno elettrico, e per guadagnarci addirittura?

Convegno avvenuto il 15 Aprile a Boffalora Sopra Ticino organizzato dal comune stesso con la collaborazione dell'Assessore all'Ambiente Ivo Colombo. Argomenti trattati: "The new ENERGY ACCOUNT opportunity for the government and the private sector." Rapporteur: Mr. Silvano Benitti "The role of municipalities to promote energy efficiency in buildings" Speaker: Mr. Luca Bertoni (technical administrator and SACERT CA)

-------------- ------------------------- UPDATE
23:45 hours of 29/05/2007: We were not a lot last night, I thought anyway repeat the experiment: MONDAY, 04/06/2007 22:00 pm about us grievances here ...


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Differences Between Ceramic Bearings.

desperate appeal

I know .. the title is a bit strong, but it is a deliberate provocation .... ask readers of this little web space:

or not there a way legal or not (?) of the so-called ABOLISH REALITY SHOW in your television screen?
.... I do the 'list? , No ... just turn on the TV at any time.

I am willing to even PAY , just oozing that this term has rimbecillisce viewers every day more ...

seemed there was a decline in recent years the ratings had fallen a little (but still too much), a decrease largely offset by increased stupidity ... no, the only way is to remove the balls defined.

In this regard I was already stated above: 1 , 2, 3

A simple search on Google the phrase "enough reality show" more than 1600 results, of course someone else might think like me ...

Remember who follows a reality show also poisons you, tell him to stop.

Ps: advance any comments that may be written below: WANTED these few lines are an offense against those who follow this kind of television.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Running Shoe Birthday Cake

Phishing email wave

had seemed to calm down a moment ... In recent days instead of a new wave of so-called e-mail ' phishing' is coming into mailboxes, all with the usual purpose: to scrub the data access to your personal area and then empty the bank account (the image in the top left perhaps a little makes the 'idea) .........

There are numerous targets (PayPal, eBay, BancaIntesa, etc..), But perhaps the most "persistent" is directed to " .

About just came up an interesting article which describes one of the last found of 'sti criminals to trick recipients / victims, I invite you to read surely, the found here


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Where To Get Material To Make Clothing In Ny

I believe

Questa sera girovagando in Rete mi imbatto in questo spazio web ( ) , dove leggo di questa iniziativa partita qualche tempo fa e riguardante il tentativo di formare un gruppo di acquisto per l'installazione di impianti fotovoltaici a prezzi e condizioni favorevoli ... va beh , non stò a spiegare tanto ... andatevi a leggere i vari articoli , spiegazioni e commenti sul Blog di Jacopo Fò .

Io ho mandato la mia adesione (ad oggi 15 aprile 2007 il contatore segna 1418 utenti che sarebbero interessati) , viene scritto che non è comunque vincolante ....

look around and it never hurts to ask, then everyone will draw their own conclusions.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blueprints To Build Porches

Warning: Virus probable losses with Skype

A quick post to point out that the Net is running a probable Virus (Warezov / Stration) system that would take advantage of Skype to spread, ample explanation of Attivissimo Paul is here .


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Do You Clear Coat A Spray On Bedliner

eye ....

Based on the famous "container" online video .....

Speechless ....

This the original link, and this formats.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Best Flush Wall Mounts


Those of us who never got a ticket .... ??

evening wandering about RSS feed of my Firefox I run into this 'curious ' news of a couple of days ago I was passing, also published on ' Corriere di Forli' (the related articles are here and here).

Brief summary: "A few days ago a cyclist crossing a traffic police patrol, noted that they had no seat belt and gliel'avrebbe noted. These, in revenge, have stopped and fined because he had the bell. "

This has naturally caused some reaction, a letter from the President of Tales of Forli describe and discuss the incident with enough sarcastic ....

comment , but these of Forli Traffic police are out, for example, in Salerno ??
I have seen that no large than those moving parts around, for example, it would seem that the helmet worn .... who occasionally wears it, and only because it is a way to make them unrecognizable at the moment because in the process of committing a crime (robbery, theft, etc.). ...
gone there to do fine without the bicycle bell ....


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Need License For Motor Boat

ooh ... if the finger is linked to ...!!!

... and yes, I'd say that good Stefano be taken if the ... his "removal" from the organic a known television not just went down ... and in this video message unveils its version of events.

Noto, however, that the Net is having some success his VideoBlog , readers are increasing day by day (personally I follow him from the start of the Blog managed by him).

I would note that, among its most striking recent surveys, one on "Ford Italy" has had virtually no feedback almost between traditional media (TG, national newspapers with wide circulation) .... complaint or not they remember ???...


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Suspended License In Ohio Moving To Illinois

think, I think ... and online (

... I had spoken , polemical tones, some time ago ....

This evening, in full regalia, the TG2 Rai in the late evening presented a service that describes the launch and the presence of the online portal ...

remember that this domain is registered since 2004, which had been allocated 40 million Dollars for the development of the Portal. To date this announcement
is no longer online, but is available to its copy here (dated May 14, 2006).

I did a quick spin on the site, but frankly, it seemed a bit 'confusing' (extensive use of Flash and Java), impractical to navigate (for me that NOT use IE) ...
probably for the rush ... maybe a spin and let us see a little bit like operation ..


Update 23/02/2007: I read this morning ' interesting article on Point Computer ... are evidently not the only one have expressed some concern about '' ....

Update 27/02/2007: not a day goes by that you do not read criticism, sometimes the most bitter and sarcastic, about the online presence of the portal ' ' .... reading here this evening and I come across (on ) in what I believe to be the best outlet for c. .. , That is this:

Click on image to view in a larger 'visible'


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Reliable Insurance Company

La Fonera

How to define those elements that sells FONERA on site Ebay perhaps after it had FREE with various promotions??
... truly a specified period, there would not write it explicitly but it is better ... time, we understood each other, no?

These objects (in Italy) to date: 230091839017 , 190085196898, 120088882713 , a few days and maybe others that I have escaped .....

Okay ... on ebay if they are seen even worse ....



Monday, February 19, 2007

Silver Panasonic Surround Sound System

Z-list on Ebay, which I participate in a chain ....

I read today on pandemic, it seems (E.). S.antonio the usual chain of ... The play

è questo: si crea un nuovo post dove si indicano gli indirizzi di Blog un po "defilati" e magari poco conosciuti (non necessariamente) ma che forse meriterebbero più visibilità.


1. crea un nuovo post sul tuo blog
2. crea una lista di blog da seguire secondo i tuoi gusti e/o scelte personali (il link di ogni blog deve puntare alla home page del Blog stesso)
3. includi nella lista il blog da cui hai avuto notizia dell’iniziativa
4. non includere il tuo link nella lista
5. pubblica tutto.

Questa la mia personale Z-list :
Good Reading


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Why Does The Pancreas Have Ribosomes

... Apparently, I say it seems ... Comex Sky Italy vs Spa: 1 to 0

yes, it took two years abundant .... The first instance

fu presentata in data 22/11/2004 dalla Comex S.p.a. di Ravenna nei confronti di Sky Italia , in tale comunicazione si richiedeva , sìa a Sky Italia sìa al NDS Ltd . , di rilasciare la relativa licenza di costruire , sviluppare e commercializzare l'appostito "modulo di accesso condizionato" (CAM) in tecnologìa NDS da installarsi nel loro prodotto 'X-Dome'.

Chi allora seguiva i vari forum e newsgroup in Rete si ricorderà che si discuteva molto sulla storia " cambio di codifica SECA>NDS " ( qui c'e' un'ampio riassunto) , tra l'altro molti abbonati Sky Pay TV abandoned precisely because of that choice (?) Technology that would prevent the user / subscriber to use the services of Sky using your digital receiver CI (Common Interface), perhaps paid a high price .. ..

's Telecommunications Regulatory Authority takes note of the demands of Comex, but not Sky spring and has always refused to grant the license to third parties " NDS."

The bureaucratic process went forward, and January 31, 2007, the official site of ' AGCOM has appeared Resolution No. 62/07/CONS . Go read it in full, carry only the final part:

>> CUT


companies NDS Ltd and Sky Italy srl, within thirty days of notification of this decision, to disclose all conditions, including technical , security and commercial applications for the grant of license for the conditional access system "Videoguard" as well as customized for Sky Italy srl.

Failure to comply with the requirements of this provision entails the application of the penalties provided by law.

This action would be reported to the company NDS Ltd and Sky Italy Srl, and is published in the Official Bulletin and website.

Rome, January 31, 2007

>> CUT

Time will tell .....


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Booster Seat Table Hook-on Best

aridaglie .................. (SKY Italy)

... and if it passes this makes four! ... therefore as many convictions for false advertising against Sky Italy.

The last complaint in order of time and ' Adiconsum , a step taken from the same site of Consumer:

'ADVERTISING' MISLEADING: Adiconsum again denounced SKY Antitrust for misleading advertising. The advertising campaign is indicted on SKY to 11 €.
In fact, through advertising , SKY spreads the idea that you can subscribe to pay TV spending only € 11. The statement is false because the package cheaper than SKY costs 24 € a month, except movies and sport. In the advertising that is not clearly defined promotion is related to a reduction in time. If the reason to give antitrust Adiconsum, SKY suffer the fourth conviction for false advertising. "

of 'mischief' that combines the well-known pay-TV I already wrote .....

The original page on the site Adiconsum here: http: / /

It also speaks of PierLiugi Totardo ZeusNews here:


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Moving Company Brochure Templates

Unstoppable .. ..

.... despite some minor controversy about the fact that this system of VoIP telephony uses a protocol di comunicazione 'proprietario' (e quindi chiuso) , il numero degli utenti sale sempre ...

Oggi 6 febbraio 2007 vedo qualcosa come


utenti OnLine !!!!

Ok , gli utenti registrati sono molti di più , gia l'anno scorso si festeggiava la 100milionesima registrazione , ma tanta gente OnLine contemporaneamente non l'avevo ancora vista ....

Ad oggi siamo arrivati alla versione (per windows)

Scarica la tua copia gratuita di SkyPe

Update 10/02/2007: Wandering among the various Italian Blogs (or not) I found some interesting posts regarding the fact that Skype would be a little too 'intrusive ' on your PC when it is installed:

and then this final gem, offering a free program to remove (then uninstalled) Skype from your PC ....


Friday, February 2, 2007

Organza Table Toppers Made By S

affected nine million on TV

Premetto subito che questo tipo di programma Tv non è esattamente di mio gradimento ... e già da qualche tempo .

Sfogliando il ' Resto del Carlino ' stamattina leggo che all'interno della trasmissione sarebbe presente , come partecipante al reality-scioc (... no , non è un'errore) , una persona che avrebbe delle pendenze nei confronti della Legge , un pregiudicato insomma ... e che la Produzione stava valutando se era il caso di squalificarla ...

Ma perchè ci si should be surprised at this?? ... sit in the pews of the Italian Parliament dozens of people in the same condition, some with a final sentence ....

Basta! Parlamento pulito Basta! Parlamento pulito Basta! Parlamento pulito

There 's some of these that has been "disqualified" by chance?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

How To Make Boats For Guinea Pigs

La Fonera: chronicle of a revival .....

.... okay, I was a bit depressed and I had really set aside ... Today Sunday, 28/01 I've recovered from the drawer where I had closed .... had a bit of dust, the poor ...

The intention was to try once again to make it work (there are thousands of Foneros that works, I who am the fool?) And I must say that today

I DID IT !!!!!

Apart scasinato some parameter that I had in previous attempts, I realized today that the blame for all the failure was simply the key Wi-Fi USB Ericsson (model HA692) which obviously is not compatible ( of course I also tried to reinstall the drivers) ....

It remains strange that, with the same stick Ericsson, the first installation was like 'na viola ... then, obviously, and probably in updating the firmware from Fon in late November 2006, something happened that made 'no longer compatible' .... and the same key Wi-Fi Ericsson continues to go well when used with my usual home router (a Siemens Atlantis 50 will be a case?) ..... well, weird ...

tests today were done with a USB Wi-Fi D-Link (model 7018 NMU 02), the fact is that one does not miss a shot, both private and public network.

At this point I do not know what Wi-Fi compatible accessories and what not, with Fonera But I would advise those who have difficulties to operate properly the subject English
  • before pulling down four saints because your PC does not connect or you still have problems navigating try a different brand and / or model of key / accessory Wi-Fi computer side ...

the evening then I wrote a small report on how it is configured my complete with pictures and comments ... maybe someone could come in handy. E 'available:
  • Here - HTML version, available online via the broswer (Firefox, I. Expl., Opera, etc.).
  • and here - version. PPS Microsoft PowerPoint, download and view them offline (requires PowerPoint by Microsoft) - about 1.2 Mb
Ps: Now repositioned on the roof, connected to an omnidirectional antenna from 9 / 10 db gain ... then these days I do some tests to see "how far ago ..."
