yes, it took two years abundant .... The first instance
fu presentata in data 22/11/2004 dalla Comex S.p.a. di Ravenna nei confronti di Sky Italia , in tale comunicazione si richiedeva , sìa a Sky Italia sìa al NDS Ltd . , di rilasciare la relativa licenza di costruire , sviluppare e commercializzare l'appostito "modulo di accesso condizionato" (CAM) in tecnologìa NDS da installarsi nel loro prodotto 'X-Dome'.
Chi allora seguiva i vari forum e newsgroup in Rete si ricorderà che si discuteva molto sulla storia " cambio di codifica SECA>NDS " ( qui c'e' un'ampio riassunto) , tra l'altro molti abbonati Sky Pay TV abandoned precisely because of that choice (?) Technology that would prevent the user / subscriber to use the services of Sky using your digital receiver CI (Common Interface), perhaps paid a high price .. ..
's Telecommunications Regulatory Authority takes note of the demands of Comex, but not Sky spring and has always refused to grant the license to third parties " NDS."
The bureaucratic process went forward, and January 31, 2007, the official site of ' AGCOM has appeared Resolution No. 62/07/CONS . Go read it in full, carry only the final part:
>> CUT
companies NDS Ltd and Sky Italy srl, within thirty days of notification of this decision, to disclose all conditions, including technical , security and commercial applications for the grant of license for the conditional access system "Videoguard" as well as customized for Sky Italy srl.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this provision entails the application of the penalties provided by law.
This action would be reported to the company NDS Ltd and Sky Italy Srl, and is published in the Official Bulletin and website.
Rome, January 31, 2007
>> CUTTime will tell .....
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