... Wednesday July 18, 2007, a date that I will remember for a long time ... to experience a 'myocardial is not really nice .... now everything is over, so the story ... for this time it went well ....
- at 18:30: a few minutes I feel a general malaise, it passes the time and pain as more intense and insistent is localized in the chest accompanied by a strong sense of oppression. The pain also spreads to the arms (more on the left). I decide to get off the roof (I trade the antenna and then it is normal to find me on a roof ...), I sit down somewhere minutes in the car .... I say 'perhaps the hot, now will not it?' ... no, do not pass, increases ... a lady of the building gives me a glass of water ...
- 18:50 hours: ok, but I'm seriously concerned and from my mobile phone do the "118 " immediate response. Notice also trying not to alarm my wife. Fast the ambulance arrives on site. Are now in their hands, lying on the couch inside the vehicle and come promptly "skewered" by a drip in a few minutes ago I kill the pain. It starts in the direction of the emergency department of Forli.
- approximately 20:30 hours: outpatient visit in the PS, after 'Park' in other room pending the outcome of the examinations. The pain is almost gone, I'm waiting .... Indeed, we are waiting .... in the company of my wife and a family friend.
- abundant 01:15 hours: nurse takes me in a room of the department ... I will be their guest for tonight ... pending investigations more accurate and secure. My wife and her friend can go home.
- at 08:30 of 19/07/2007: A doctor visiting me and tells me that I will be admitted to the cardiology department, are transferred to the upper floor, just in cardiology, CCU section ( Therapy Unit Intensiva Coronarica ) .... sono collegato con una selva di tubi , tubini , terminali adesivi , cavi di collegamento con strumenti vari .... insomma , sono monitorato e controllato 24h su 24h ....
- ore 10:00 del 20/07/2007 : vengo trasferito in una sala operatoria del reparto di Emodinamica e mi viene eseguita coronografìa + angioplastica
- ore 12:00 del 20/07/2007 : fine intervento
- 21/07/2007 : trasferimento da reparto UTIC a reparto cardiologìa 'normale' , seguono numerosi controlli e/o misurazioni continue del mio stato (pressione , elettrocardiogramma , ecc )
- 24/07/2007: go back home ........
- Losing weight (if possible ..... I see it hard 15/20 Kg)
- Stop Smoking (here .... perhaps we have not touched tobacco since 19/07/2007 )
- Eating regulated and controlled (this is delegated to the wife ...)
- .... a box of medicines to be taken ...
- operators, doctors and nurses to PS ( ER 118 Forlì )
- operators, doctors and nurses of the cardiology department , Utica and hemodynamics Hospital GBMorgagni-L.Pierantoni Forlì
- friends Angelo and Lydia
- Last on the list, the first in importance: My Wife Lorenza
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