Those of us who never got a ticket .... ??
evening wandering about RSS feed of my Firefox I run into this 'curious ' news of a couple of days ago I was passing, also published on ' Corriere di Forli' (the related articles are here and here).
Brief summary: "A few days ago a cyclist crossing a traffic police patrol, noted that they had no seat belt and gliel'avrebbe noted. These, in revenge, have stopped and fined because he had the bell. "
This has naturally caused some reaction, a letter from the President of Tales of Forli describe and discuss the incident with enough sarcastic ....comment , but these of Forli Traffic police are out, for example, in Salerno ??
I have seen that no large than those moving parts around, for example, it would seem that the helmet worn .... who occasionally wears it, and only because it is a way to make them unrecognizable at the moment because in the process of committing a crime (robbery, theft, etc.). ...
gone there to do fine without the bicycle bell ....
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