15 - 30 MAGGIO 2010
15 - 30 MAGGIO 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010 hours 18, 30 Church Rock Santa Maria De Armenis - (Near the Palazzo Lanfranchi - Piazzetta Pascoli - Matera)
With the participation of the artist Russian Kurtmulaev
Every day from 10.00 to 13.00 / from 16.30 to 21.00 Free Entry
All visitors can vote for the most beautiful whistle to award the prize People's Jury .
Whistle with gusto "- Exhibition of food and wine themed whistles Dr private collection. Armando Scuto (Cuneo)
Exposure and wine tasting - in collaboration with the Consortium and Slow Food Matera Matera DOC -
Workshops "making creative
Every Sunday morning at 11.00 to 13, 00: laboratory demonstration of modeling and decoration by the artist Pico whistles;
Sunday, May 23 16.30 - 18.00: Zen scribbles laboratory for children (leads Tina Festa)
Sunday, May 30 - 17:30 - 19,30: laboratorio di Scarabocchi zen per adulti (conduce Tina Festa)
La partecipazione ai laboratori è libera e gratuita, è necessaria la prenotazione
Segreteria organizzativa:
Associazione Culturale "Genius Loci"
Rione Casalnuovo, 308 – Matera
Tel. e fax 0835 314139
Evento sponsorizzato da: Camera di Commercio di Matera - Banca Popolare del Mezzogiorno.
In collaborazione with
Altrimedia - Ass Anemos - Slow Food Matera - Matera DOC Consortium
The whistles are sounding artifacts, as if by magic, the mere whiff of a wind . The production of whistles is a fascinating tradition, through time and space. The whistling ceramics are typically found around the world, virtually anywhere there is a fundamental raw material: clay.
Since the '80s onwards, the ceramic is living a new sound that has given new life in the past. Anthropologists and scholars have finally dedicated a work of serious and systematic study that has restored dignity to the art pottery sound for too long believed, wrongly, one form of marginal or of little value. At the same time, a growing number of fans of popular art has fueled the market by making unique items for collectors or whistles.
in many localities in Italy arose exhibitions dedicated to the whistles and even specialized museums as it is going to realize the International Museum of the Terracotta whistles in Matera.
The whistles are works of art, rich in poetry, have the gift of language universal in children and adults raise interest and wonder at the same time. Give a whistle is always a sign of peace, love, friendship.
in Matera, Italy and the world, the Associazione Culturale Genius Loci, and the Association Anemos promote the spread of ceramic culture of sound through festivals, exhibitions, workshops and publications.
The whistles are sounding artifacts, as if by magic, the mere whiff of a wind . The production of whistles is a fascinating tradition, through time and space. The whistling ceramics are typically found around the world, virtually anywhere there is a fundamental raw material: clay.
Since the '80s onwards, the ceramic is living a new sound that has given new life in the past. Anthropologists and scholars have finally dedicated a work of serious and systematic study that has restored dignity to the art pottery sound for too long believed, wrongly, one form of marginal or of little value. At the same time, a growing number of fans of popular art has fueled the market by making unique items for collectors or whistles.
in many localities in Italy arose exhibitions dedicated to the whistles and even specialized museums as it is going to realize the International Museum of the Terracotta whistles in Matera.
The whistles are works of art, rich in poetry, have the gift of language universal in children and adults raise interest and wonder at the same time. Give a whistle is always a sign of peace, love, friendship.
in Matera, Italy and the world, the Associazione Culturale Genius Loci, and the Association Anemos promote the spread of ceramic culture of sound through festivals, exhibitions, workshops and publications.
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