ended yesterday with great success the Second Edition of the International Biennial of clay whistle in the City of Matera "- which saw once again the protagonist ceramic art sound.
were numerous visitors during the 15 days of the exhibition contest: Matera, tourists and school groups have visited the Biennale, with its 252 whistles, were able to admire the beauty of the place that hosted the exhibition - The Church of Santa Maria de Armenis (a great discovery for many Matera who had never seen before!)
Among the large audience that in recent days has visited the exhibition there was the artist Marianne Ban - Hungarian - which has took the opportunity to visit the Biennale is an exhibition that our city. His wonder was that he decided to donate several of his works for the future museo Internazionale del Fischietto in terracotta da farsi a Matera a cura dell’Ass. Culturale Genius loci. Le opere donate in questa seconda edizione del concorso sono 144 che insieme alla collezione privata dell’Associazione Genius Loci ed ai fischietti donati nella prima edizione della Biennale tenutasi nel 2008, creano una nutrita raccolta di circa 500 fischietti italiani e stranieri.
(In foto gli artisti Onofrio Chieco e Piero Colapietro - in arte Pico - che mostrano l'arte del costruire un fischietto)
Come da consuetudine l’Ass. Genius Loci ha proposto laboratori creativi gratuiti a bambini ed adulti, frequentati in questa edition by school children of primary school and middle school and families.
Schoolchildren and their teachers, but also families and the citizens of Matera, which have taken place continuously during the days of the exhibition have made with their vote for the winner of the People's Jury Award, which turned out to be with Thomas Niglio of the work entitled "Cuckoo with fish" with 196 preferences. (Photo by opening up)
The counting was concerned that 1245 cards are available for anyone to access them at the headquarters of the Association, for 3 months. The People's Jury Prize consists of a grant of € 250.00.
L’iniziativa, ancora una volta, ha contribuito a far conoscere la ceramica sonora nelle sue svariate forme, colori e provenienze agli oltre 2800 visitatori ed è stata un'altra occasione per allargare la rete di contatti tra collezionisti, artisti, artigiani e neofiti “del fischietto in terracotta”.
L’inizitiva, per voce del presidente dell’Associazione Culturale Genius Loci, è stata resa possibile grazie al contributo della Regione Basilicata -Dipartimento Agricoltura, Banca Popolare del Mezzogiorno, Camera di Commercio di Matera, Altrimedia Edizioni. Ulteriori ringraziamenti vanno al Comune di Matera, Al Consorzio Vini Matera DOC, allo Slow Food di Matera, alle aziende Tenuta Zagarella e Montemurro and Dr. Armando Scuto president of Anemos. A
rrivederci edition of 2012!
(Photo by Antonio Mazzilli)
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