Monday, May 31, 2010

Mirtazapine Sclerosis

Conclusa con successo la Biennale!

- People's Jury Prize - winner Whistle "Cuckoo fish with" Thomas Niglio
(Photo by Antonio Mazzilli)



ended yesterday with great success the Second Edition of the International Biennial of clay whistle in the City of Matera "- which saw once again the protagonist ceramic art sound.
were numerous visitors during the 15 days of the exhibition contest: Matera, tourists and school groups have visited the Biennale, with its 252 whistles, were able to admire the beauty of the place that hosted the exhibition - The Church of Santa Maria de Armenis (a great discovery for many Matera who had never seen before!)

Among the large audience that in recent days has visited the exhibition there was the artist Marianne Ban - Hungarian - which has took the opportunity to visit the Biennale is an exhibition that our city. His wonder was that he decided to donate several of his works for the future museo Internazionale del Fischietto in terracotta da farsi a Matera a cura dell’Ass. Culturale Genius loci. Le opere donate in questa seconda edizione del concorso sono 144 che insieme alla collezione privata dell’Associazione Genius Loci ed ai fischietti donati nella prima edizione della Biennale tenutasi nel 2008, creano una nutrita raccolta di circa 500 fischietti italiani e stranieri.

(In foto gli artisti Onofrio Chieco e Piero Colapietro - in arte Pico - che mostrano l'arte del costruire un fischietto)
Come da consuetudine l’Ass. Genius Loci ha proposto laboratori creativi gratuiti a bambini ed adulti, frequentati in questa edition by school children of primary school and middle school and families.
Schoolchildren and their teachers, but also families and the citizens of Matera, which have taken place continuously during the days of the exhibition have made with their vote for the winner of the People's Jury Award, which turned out to be with Thomas Niglio of the work entitled "Cuckoo with fish" with 196 preferences. (Photo by opening up)

The counting was concerned that 1245 cards are available for anyone to access them at the headquarters of the Association, for 3 months. The People's Jury Prize consists of a grant of € 250.00.

L’iniziativa, ancora una volta, ha contribuito a far conoscere la ceramica sonora nelle sue svariate forme, colori e provenienze agli oltre 2800 visitatori ed è stata un'altra occasione per allargare la rete di contatti tra collezionisti, artisti, artigiani e neofiti “del fischietto in terracotta”.
L’inizitiva, per voce del presidente dell’Associazione Culturale Genius Loci, è stata resa possibile grazie al contributo della Regione Basilicata -Dipartimento Agricoltura, Banca Popolare del Mezzogiorno, Camera di Commercio di Matera, Altrimedia Edizioni. Ulteriori ringraziamenti vanno al Comune di Matera, Al Consorzio Vini Matera DOC, allo Slow Food di Matera, alle aziende Tenuta Zagarella e Montemurro and Dr. Armando Scuto president of Anemos. A
rrivederci edition of 2012!


(Photo by Antonio Mazzilli)

Friday, May 28, 2010

How To Programme C4 Fob

Le ceramiche fischianti di Antonio Navanzino tra fiaba e devozione

It 's a pleasure to listen to Antonio Navanzino which tells of his ceramics and his whistles. Often the artisans of terra cotta are men accustomed to talk above their hands, but less used words to tell themselves and their profession. It is not the case of Anthony, who manages to excite his party. Perhaps a skill they have learned working as a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts, or writing as ceramicists on magazines. Or maybe it's simply the result of passion for his craft that he and the traditions of his land, Sicily. This passion shines through, for example when we speak of magic whistle:

"It 's a beautiful thing: the whistle is made of 4 simple elements: air, earth, water, fire. But when we blow air in with this banal gesture you give life to clay, because you play! It 's almost like playing the divine act by which God breathed into matter and created man. "

Our conversation takes place in the workshop run by a young potter Caltagirone. Antonio is only 32 years, but can be considered as a full heir to the ancient tradition that this city brings its expertise in the production of ceramics and whistles. Father Francis, potter himself, learned the ancient craft shop judice, and Anthony himself has learned to make whistles from Salvatore Leone . [1]
"That is a picture of Dad at 10 years in the laboratory of the family Iudici - he says pointing to a picture of the 40s that keeps framed in his office . The Iudici are potters for generations. Already existed in 800 Judice shop - with the "J" long, then over time it became "I" anagrafe. "

" At Caltagirone, as in all of Italy's neorealism, children had to work, had to learn a trade . Dad chose ceramics because he liked to draw. Then he went to school, institution of art, and in the afternoon - and in summer the whole day - attended the workshop and the factory Iudici Vella. "

Toto Leone and other masters Antonio

Speaking of his early days in the world of ceramic sound, Anthony does not forget to pay homage to a series artisans and friends who have the passion for the whistles. People who have enriched both human and technical point of view, and allowed him to become a potter refined it is today.
"I've started my whistles to them later. Dad bought the whistles Salvat hours Leone, a simple bricklayer, now seventy years old, realized that these are called in Sicily pasture, and sold them around. I was 16, 17, and was fascinated by these objects so popular, weird, that gave me a sense of culture that I have always loved, our culture. I stole one at a time with Dad or whistles that put him on the shelf. It is noticed when those are now my 200! "

" I once asked Migliore, which housed a potter Leone, let me see, because I wanted to understand how does this whistle. Salvatore Leone And with great humility, with great simplicity, he said, but it takes? Nothing, Take two sticks, a bit 'of clay. And of a sudden he showed me the technique.
The most important thing is that I told him to persevere in doing the whistle on your way. Each of us has its own tradition. Instead happen to see a little 'whistles wherever they trade all the same. This is the business! "

" But I wanted to do the very popular whistle Sicilian, that of Leo, this farmer did not even speak properly in Italian, but he had discovered the secret of how the air could pass through the clay, producing a sound. " And in fact the first whistles made by Antonio about 10 years ago and he still keeps in his study closely resemble those of Leo.
"I kept the lesson of Leo and his way of making whistles. And then her message - the whistle have them your way! - I remain faithful to this day. "

" I have to thank my Father, because it gave me the shop in his hand and told me never, but what the fuck are you doing? (sorry if I use that word). Someone else avrebbe potuto dire: sono minchiate, stai sprecando argilla! Invece lui – che fa parte dei vecchi artigiani - ha sempre compreso le mie scelte. Ed io ho sempre chiesto consiglio a lui.”

“Ma più di tutti, però, devo ringraziare Totò Cardello, [2] perché io avevo già imparato il fischietto, ma l’avevo un po’ accantonato. Con Cardello ci siamo trovati una notte all’aeroporto di Bologna ed abbiamo passato insieme 12 ore ad aspettare l’aereo. In 12 ore si raccontano tante cose, e lui mi ha raccontato di questo mondo dei fischietti. E mi ha invitato a partecipare alle varie mostre.”

Proporzioni e “sproporzioni” nell’arte popolare

Antonio ci spiega come il suo particolare stile nasca in realtà dalla fusione di varie suggestioni: l’amore viscerale per la cultura popolare, l’interesse per stili e scuole diverse, la sperimentazione continua nel campo della tecnica ceramica. E ci spiega anche come l’imprecisione e la mancanza di proporzioni che sono proprie dell’arte popolare, a volte, possano conferire particolare espressività ad un soggetto.
“Non cerco necessariamente la belle zza in un fischietto, perché non voglio che si perda quel messaggio di fischietto popolare, di popolarità.
La tradizione Siciliana è grandissima. E’ così vasta che penso non mi basterà la vita intera per analizzala. E quindi spesso io trasporto nei fischietti quello che imparo sulla cultura popolare.
Analizzando i fischietti popolari ho capito quanta parte conservino della cultura contadina. Li modellavano artigiani che non conoscevano le proporzioni e non sapevano realizzare una figura utilizzando le proporzioni corrette, ma comunque riuscivano a realizzare lavori molto espressivi.
Io non posso fare come loro. Ovvero: potrei anche farla una riproduzione di questi fischietti tradizionali, come scelta commerciale. Ma metterei un vestito che non mi appartiene, e sarebbe anche ingiusto nei confronti di queste persone che avevano quel tipo di cultura. Io ne ho un’altra.
Quindi il My whistle comes from a processing, Dragonball . I put together the popular culture of the artisan, anthropology. I take a cocktail of all this, mixtures, and out of these whistles. If I create a work of art caught I do respect the due proportions. But the whistle I want to give a different sense, popular. By understanding the technique I know, I know the proportions, but that the disproportionate voluntarily. The secrets of the trade I've stolen from the old craftsmen then apply this new old message. "

" I think the whistle as if a compressor behind him suddenly swollen like a balloon. Suddenly takes the proportions che non sono legate alla figura normale.
Lavoro un po’ miscelando in questi fischietti tutta una serie di aspetti: la tradizione del pupo siciliano, ma anche la colorazione delle barche nostre siciliane. Un’altra cosa che io amo molto è parlare con gli anziani, con gli anziani ultraottantenni, perché ancora mantengono – e possono trasmetterti - la cultura popolare. “

Soggetti religiosi e profani

Tra i fischietti di Antonio numerosi sono quelli a tema religioso. I cosiddetti santi con il fischio sono d’altronde una caratteristica di Caltagirone e della Sicilia, che Navanzino re-interpreta con grande rispetto, ma anche senza risparmiare la sua fantasia and his inspiration.
"It's not disrespect, but the saint to me is a normal person. James was a fisherman. Thus, a San Giacomo is easier to think like a fisherman Cefalù - short, black, Bassin - that a tall man with blue eyes. "

" In the chapels scattered throughout the regions of Italy, the farmer a bit 'better than the other drawing, painted figures of saints all out of proportion. But why? Why represented itself. The peasant was instill copy and paste of himself on the figures of these saints. It' s like if you could dress himself with the dress of the saint. We think a moment to Van Gogh, we think of as the farmers are represented expressionism.
For example, these farmers were trying to imagine the guardian angels with wings. But the farmer in the country which had wings before our eyes? Only those of the chicken! And then perhaps to draw a face he tried to imagine his face - he was the face of a peasant who works the land - with a blonde wig. And then the angel he had designed the wings of chickens, a sack of flour on him, and straw for hair.
Thus was born a piece to which they are particularly fond of and will never sell. It 'a kind of angel-pollastrone. "The creativity of

Antonio expresses very well in the subjects and themes taken from mythology or fairy tales.
"I read many fairy tales. The fantasy comes from there: I steal from the fairy tales.
Another thing I like to represent are the figures of mythology: the myth of Ulysses, for example. But also literary figures such as Pinocchio and Don Quixote to me are now entered into the collective and can be considered a myth, that can be represented in thousands of ways. I really enjoyed
represent Adam, Eve and the serpent, making fun of the Sicilian thing. I have represented as a man and a woman clumsy, normal, laid bare. And around a tree, there is this snake that humanized the language comes in the womb Eva, the drooling is back. And from the tree leaves the hand of God making the horns to Adam. "

" Another important thing: I do not ever reveal to anyone, not even my wife, but to do the faces I copy the people I know. Today I'm talking to you and maybe one day one of you will be put in there, but I will not say never. "

The crib Franciscan

Antonio is particularly attached to a work. There has been working for three years and prefers not to venture predictions than when I manage to finish it. This is somewhat of a monumental work: a large crib as he enhanced by new statues whistling. To accommodate the people built a structure made with boards and pipes of iron, which occupies an entire room of his laboratory.
"I wanted to dedicate to Saint Francis of Assisi this crib that will build over the years. I do not know when it will end, perhaps in 2100, because I want to live long.
I wanted to represent these monks going manner, with a big face big one. So ugly, ugly brothers. But celestial brothers, however, that now belong to the world of angels. And these brothers - now flown in the sky, with wings of chicken - are actions and attitudes as a hippy from Punkabbestia. I was inspired by these groups that I've seen hippies in San Gimignano. I struck: they were all together, mothers, fathers, sons. With this sense of community, of collective joy. They had an attitude of great freedom, but also respect for the tourists. So I liked that their message of joy and peace.
This crib so I put all these monks around Jesus dancing, laughing and joking. They have a great freedom, but still pursuing the sanctification of Jesus
I do not like the blasphemy. Joke, but with proper respect. I guarantee that my whistle I made them see the Franciscans and had fun so much. "

" For me the birth of Jesus, Christmas is the most beautiful fairy tale world. And this apart from being believers or not. I believe in the birth of Christ, but Christmas is probably the "story of stories." Brings a great positive attitude, hope is reborn. It also contains an important message, a philosophical message that is the message of the myth of eternal return. The eternal return, then, means that if I see myself the craft of ceramics in the manger, I see myself. So I am part of Christ's birth. Every year on December 25 we are all complicit in this fairy tale. "

A journey of continuous experimentation

Let's talk with Anthony of the techniques used to achieve their whistles. It becomes immediately clear that the kind of person always looking for new solutions, for which each result is a starting point to invent something different than a point of arrival.
"Sometimes I use the lathe to make the structures of the whistles. I make the cylinders and then builds upon the character. Lately I use the lathe is drying. So I throw clay on the floor, I make huge sheets of clay, use of expensive toilet rolls to give it structure. Then I put them in the sun of Sicily for a half hour, so it hardens a bit 'clay. And then we work on, as well, with much freedom.
first uses a different attitude when I made my whistles. If I wanted to do a hand I tried to get this one right, with all fingers perfectly, and so on. Now, however, no: I go on with their free expression, because I am convinced that if that piece of clay that bends came in a certain way, the fold has its own story.
I like the expression, then why give the whistles of the grooves: Must be just furrowed by time. Here, a groove of the time. "

" Usually, the whistle is colored in Sicily cold. I'm the one who always makes the whistle in majolica. Also because of Toto Cardello. Because I saw all those festivals that he organized, and I have analyzed all the work of several major artists such as Biavati, Poland. [3] I also found that reality did not imagine, as the Russians whistles. And then I realized that using a technique developed, it acquires a different meaning. Including the use of majolica. "

" I realize the pieces with common clay, clay Italian. Now I bought an oven to make whistles stoneware and porcelain. Why 2 years ago I visited the shop of the stars of Biavati, I have seen his works made with this material and I was fascinated. But beware: I always use the stoneware keeping my tradition, my way of doing the whistle.
My intention is that, of arrivare a fare il fischietto con tutte le tecniche della terra, dell’argilla. Voglio metterci la maiolica, la porcellana, il gres, nel fischietto. In un unico fischietto”

“Vorrei fare dei fischietti giganti. Già ho in mente questi pupi siciliani, queste marionette giganti. O un Federico II su una poltrona enorme. Magari li farò a pezzi, perché il forno non consente di cuocerli tutti interi, però parlo di marionette che supereranno i 2 metri e mezzo, “

Che il rapporto di Antonio Navanzino con la ceramica sia di amore incondizionato lo conferma lui stesso raccontandoci di quando non riesce a staccarsi da un pezzo fino a quando non lo ha finito, o di quando lavora un’intera notte ad un fischietto.
“Abito sopra al mio laboratorio, e mi capita anche la notte di scendere a fare un fischietto. Oppure non vado a dormire finchè non lo completo. Purtroppo ho questo vizio, lo devo completare. Mia moglie mi sopporta. D’altronde già mi conosceva bene prima di sposarci. E prima che avessimo dei figli magari restava con me a farmi compagnia durante il lavoro.”

Fischietti "con la sorpresa"

Probabilmente la cosa che meglio sintetizza il modo di essere di Antonio, la sua ironia e il suo anticonformismo, è la spiegazione che da alla sua scelta di fare dei fischietti in modo che suonino solo se ci si soffia dentro a pieni lungs.
"My whistle the whistle when you normally do not feel well, almost voiceless. Instead, if you play it you feel strong indeed. Many times when I participated in the competitions I have phoned to say: Look, we must reject them their whistles, because they do not whistle. I tell them to try to play with all their breath, and then discover that strong whistle. This
why? Because the final whistle when the membrane is thin whistle of that life is short. Because it's made of clay, then sooner or later falls and breaks, or a child takes the teeth and break the membrane. I want that whistle remains forever, so I make the membrane more than double. Having the membrane more double takes more breath. So my whistle whistles, you can rest easy!
But this thing is beautiful, I always do them now so that initially all say, but it's a scam! But after discovering that strong whistle. We put the instructions, it's nice that I should call the person to protest and then re-discover the surprise. I'm the joker, maybe it's also why I make whistles! "

more a passion than a profession

Like almost all authors of ceramic also established sound, Antonio confirms that the whistles account for more than a passion a job that you can count on in terms of income.
"I do not know how to do the accounts, but the whistles are perhaps 1% of my income. Because often I do not want to give away. And then I make a few. One Sunday every now and then, on Saturday as well. Or possibly on that whistle, I'm there over a month. Why, after I have this mental prison here, I did. And now as those? And now that technology use? That's the mess! Sometimes it makes me damn, but then again I get a little income. And then I'm afraid to make an income this thing. "

" Do not ever reproduce the same things. For my choice I will not cast of these whistles, because se devo studiare la cultura popolare devo andare sempre avanti, non posso rifare le stesse cose.
A volte qualche collezionista mi dice: “ma costano troppo!” Ma la verità è che ci sto troppo tempo a farli!”

“Io oltre ad essere insegnante campo con la ceramica. Quindi quello è il mio mestiere. Ad esempio uscirò per l’anno nuovo con questa serie liberty. [4] Mi diverto a sperimentare con la ceramica, infatti il fischietto è frutto di questa ricerca, ne è una conseguenza. Le tecniche le sperimento prima sul mio lavoro quotidiano, quello della ceramica, e poi il fine settimana magari le applico ai fischietti perché mi è rimasta l’euforia di quello I did that I experienced during the week. Then the whistles are the children of the technique that I experience every day. I could not get the same effect as a hobbyist. It 's a constant experimentation. You should never say: I already know I do. We need a continued research. "

" I thank God because I was born into a reality as Caltagirone. A little 'talent, that puts it there and then serve God so wills. Ceramics gives you bread, but you must learn to eat, to bite. You must respect the gift that you are given, do not abuse it. "

With its roots firmly anchored in the Sicilian tradition and his continual pursuit of experimentation, Antonio Navanzino in our opinion can be compared to those artists who - like Lee, a Biavati, Rigon, Paccagnella - have been able to renew the tradition of raising it to whistle popular art form. And we think Antonio is poised to become one with these names of the authors of reference for lovers of ceramic sound.

Massimiliano Trulli


[1] Iudici Mario and Salvatore Leone, the most famous and popular authors of traditional whistles of Sicily, we have dedicated this post blog posted on 16/3/10
[2] Salvatore Cardello, a great connoisseur and passionate sound of ceramics, was the main architect of the Review of the whistle that was held in Caltagirone between 1988 and 2003. Although we wrote about him in the post of 30/11/2009
[3] Riccardo Biava, ceramics ceramist and author of Sound, he lives and works in Ferrara. A Nove, Veneto, are both active Dominic Diego Poloniato, father and son authors of whistles and archdukes large.
[4] Our conversation took place in the autumn of 2009, so we are talking about the current year.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hyatt Floor Lamp Replacementshades


:) my headset

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Barefoot Contessa Cookies

GIORNATA dello SCARABOCCHIO: tutti insieme per Haiti!

DAY OF Scribble
ALL TOGETHER scribbling

Cosa abbiamo fatto?
A tutti i partecipanti è stato consegnato un format prestampato ai cui estremi sono disegnate due mani che: i tanti scarabocchi finiscono, quindi, col dar vita, metaforicamente, ad un'opera unica, poiché ogni disegno si lega a quello precedente ed a quello seguente, per condividere l'intento comune di aiutare, sempre più concretamente, chi è meno fortunato di noi.
Alla consegna del format ogni partecipante won a small contribution of € 2, and the total amount will eventually be donated to UNICEF to help the unfortunate people of Haiti to find a more peaceful future.

spontaneous art designs which you see on display are more than 250: explosion of colors, images and signs.

Thanks to donations from participants gathered 600.00 € which soon will be sent to UNICEF to Haiti.

Yesterday also began the auction of postcards d’artista arrivate da tutto il mondo. In esposizione ve ne sono 134 ma altre si aggiungeranno perché questa iniziativa di supporto alla Giornata dello Scarabocchio pro Haiti è stata accolta da tante persone, artisti e non, che hanno inviato il loro lavoro di arte postale al nostro indirizzo.
Ecco il contenuto della lettera che abbiamo ricevuto da Beatrice Toscano da Agno - Svizzera insieme alle cartoline:
"Egregi signori, ho visto il vostro annuncio "A doodle for Haiti" su Facebook ed ho deciso di proporre agli utenti del centro diurno dove lavoro di preparare alcuni scarabocchi. Con tanto piacere vi invio gli scarabocchi che abbiamo fatto sperando di poter contribuire anche noi ad un piccolo aiuto per Haiti. Trovo wonderful initiative because it gives the opportunity to participate to those who for various reasons not to participate in other ways. A heartfelt thanks to those who had the idea and those who have implemented "
The postcards will be on display at the premises of the First Circle" Minozzi "being Lucana in Matera until 20 June, the exhibition will then move to the locations of Matera Space Available until July 5, where the silent auction will continue.

What is the silent auction? To all those who wish to participate in the auction is given the 'list of works, with a clearance where you can add your own offer. The sheet is placed in an urn that will be open July 5. Those who are awarded the card will be contacted by the school at the end of event.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

50000 Loan Calculator

Saltando qua e là...

loyal readers, Egr. Gentlemen (: D: D: D), a bit of photos taken in swivel ...

We do what we can with the compact ...

25 Take off from FCO to the sunset ...

Triangle noooo, I did not consideratooooo: D (wing, sun, ship)
The legendary ottantone ... pure entertainment ...
What bitterness ..... :)
There he is ..... that annoys the 777 EEW Emirates .... : P
Chicca to FCO ...


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Horsepower Creatine How To Use

I vincitori della II Biennale del fischietto in terracotta di Matera

Opens with Surprise at the Second Biennial Matera

La Biennale di Matera began with a surprise: the meeting - which we define as "historic" for the sound world of ceramics - one of the great masters and Thomas Benjamin Chaffey Niglio. These are the last descendants of the two dynasties of craftsmen Murge that since the nineteenth century competed to create the most beautiful whistles. And even today the cuckoo Cola Cola di Matera and Gravina contend the preferences of fans and collectors. Young, the two craftsmen met every year during the pilgrimage at the Shrine of Our Lady of Picciano, where their whistles were sought by pilgrims. Now the two great rivals - who have said that they themselves had not seen for over 50 years - were left with a hint of emotion at the opening of the Biennale di Matera, where he presided over the opening ceremony together Genius Loci and the representatives of the Municipality of Matera. The

II Biennial takes place in the frame of the rock church of Santa Maria de Armenis in the heart of the Sassi.
The competition has been massive: 67 artists from all regions of Italy as well as from France, Germany, Russia, Denmark and Hungary.
The result is a colorful and exciting display of 300 whistles that can be visited every day until May 30.

exposure is enhanced by the exhibition of the Biennale theme Whistle with Gusto "is dedicated to whistles on the themes of food and wine from the collection Scuto.

The Russian artist Valery Kurtmulaev was there with his whistle during the first two opening days of the Biennale, held workshops and Pico construction of cuckoos that have delighted children and adults.
The public response was huge: hundreds of visitors only in the first weekend of opening of the Biennale.

WINNERS of the International Competition of Terracotta Whistle
"City of Matera" - May 2010

Regarding the outcome of the contest, a panel of experts led by the President of the Association for the development of Anemos ceramic sound, Dr. Armando Scuto, has decided to award the following awards and special mentions:

a prize to Nicole Paccagnella Nove (VI) with the work "Campanella Pupa. Reason: the transition from tradition to innovation with strong symbolic and graphic arts.

2nd Prize in the Pralungo Francesca Antoniotti (BI), with the work "Ark boat". Reason: complexity in implementation and full of joy of composition.

3rd Prize: Donald France Silvi Marina (TE) with the work "Harmony." Justification: work is predominantly to the strong dialogue between the land and the composition style .

whistle Best of tradition: "Horses and horsemen in Ede Napoletti Deruta (PG).

Best innovative whistle: Francesco Rigon of Nove (VI) with the work "little cart."

Best alien whistle: Valery Kurtmulaev - Russia - with the work "In vino veritas" and Bernard Galy with the work "horse head".

whistle Best water: Francesco Di Martino di Torino with the work "Insect."

The jury also gave one award to the career of Benjamin Chaffey Gravina di Puglia (BA).
A special mention was given to kindergarten Ficulle (TR) for the beauty and simplicity of execution of the pieces made in the laboratory by Paolo Biancalana.

Instead it will be possible to all visitors to vote until May 30 for the prize of the jury.

List of participants at the Biennale: in order of arrival of the pieces.


II ISSUE 15 - 30 May 2010


4 5
6 UNIV. SENIORS 'Auser 1 course Sec A Bari - Palese
Ziegel MARA GERMANIA Langgons-Cleeberg
15 CALI’ AURORA Villa San Giovanni (RC)
Galy BERNARD FRANCE Boutiers St. Trojan
23 UNIV. SENIORS 'Auser 1 course Sect B Bari - Palese
24 VIESTE Elena Bari - Palese
25 Zannini Maria Giovanna Pieve di Cadore (BL) 26
MANGANI ANNA LISA 32 NAVANZINO Francesco Caltagirone (CT) 33
37 UNIV. TERZA ETA’ Auser 2 corso Sez B BARI – PALESE
51 FRANCO RICCIARDI Ignatius and Sciacca (AG) 52
53 Chieco ONOFRIO MONDOVI '(CN) 54
Keaton (TRULLI MASSIMILIANO) Triggiano (BA) 55
Pagliarulo ROSA Rutigliano (BA) 56 BUFFALO
57 MOCCIA VITO Rutigliano (BA)
58 MASI Vitina POWER
64 Ambrosecchia IA TIZIANA MATERA