Dal sito rutiglianoeventi.it
Scelto il tema del 23° Concorso Nazionale del Fischietto in Terracotta “Città di Rutigliano”: “Fischietti e Unità d’Italia”. Nella tradizionale competizione artistica rutiglianese, gli artisti della terracotta di tutta Italia si confronteranno con un tema che caratterizzerà tutto il 2011 nel 150° anniversario della storica ricorrenza.
“Il nostro concorso si svolge nel mese di Gennaio”, dice l'assessore comunale al Turismo, Gianvito Defilippis, “e con questo tema daremo così il via in Italia alle celebrazioni dell'Unità Nazionale. A theme that lends itself to many interpretations: from politics, even today, its history, usages and customs of the Italians of yesterday and today. I am convinced that once again the masters of clay will surprise us with their extraordinary creativity. "
Each participant may submit three items, one of which must be attached to the subject indicated, free theme instead of the other two that will reflect the traditions of territorial limits in which the author. Accessions to the competition must be received by 12:30 pm the next 23 December the municipal Culture and Tourism, and the pieces must be sent or delivered, freight prepaid, to the Museum of Terracotta Whistle "Divella" before 12.30 pm on 5 January 2011.
Measurements of whistles should not exceed 25 cm. in height and 20 cm. depth and width. The works accepted for the competition will be exhibited in the Museum of Terracotta Whistle "Divella" (with free admission) 13 to 23 January 2011 and will be evaluated by a panel of experts: the whistle prize winner will receive a purchase of 1,300 €, € 600 per second, the third € 400. Special Award "People's Whistle" for the most voted by visitors to the museum.
Info: Email cultura@comune.rutigliano.ba.it
tel 080.4763748
fax 080.4763793
Here is the article that appeared in Gianni Capocorto lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it
'Unit d'Italia? Col fischio!»
Rutigliano dedica al 150°
la gara del fischietto in terracotta
RUTIGLIANO - Anche i fischietti celebreranno (ovviamente a «suon» di satira) i 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia. La giunta comunale ha deciso di dedicare la 23esima edizione del concorso nazionale del fischietto in terracotta «Città di Rutigliano» alla ricorrenza che caratterizzerà il 2011.
«Fischietti e Unità d'Italia» è il tema con cui si cimenteranno artigiani e artisti della terracotta di tutta Italia nella competizione artistica rutiglianese dedicata alla «satira fischiante».
«Capitando a gennaio - afferma l'assessore al Turismo Gianvito Defilippis - Our competition, with this issue in practice will begin in Italy to the series of celebrations of national unity. A theme that lends itself to many interpretations - continued the commissioner - from politics, even today, its history, usages and customs of the Italians of yesterday and today. I am convinced that once again the masters of clay will surprise us with their extraordinary creativity. "
Each participant can submit up to 3 works, one of which must necessarily be adhering to the stated theme, free theme instead of the other two products so that they can reflect the traditions of territorial limits in which the author.
Accessions to the competition must be received by 12.30 the next 23 December the municipal Culture and Tourism, and the pieces must be sent or delivered, freight prepaid, to the Museum of terracotta whistle "Divella" before 12:30 pm on January 5, 2011.
Another article about the contest here: