Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fondant Tulip Flowers

Concorso di Rutigliano 2010

23° Concorso Nazionale del Fischietto in Terracotta 
“Città di Rutigliano”

Dal sito

Scelto il tema del 23° Concorso Nazionale del Fischietto in Terracotta “Città di Rutigliano”: “Fischietti e Unità d’Italia”. Nella tradizionale competizione artistica rutiglianese, gli artisti della terracotta di tutta Italia si confronteranno con un tema che caratterizzerà tutto il 2011 nel 150° anniversario della storica ricorrenza.
“Il nostro concorso si svolge nel mese di Gennaio”, dice l'assessore comunale al Turismo, Gianvito Defilippis, “e con questo tema daremo così il via in Italia alle celebrazioni dell'Unità Nazionale. A theme that lends itself to many interpretations: from politics, even today, its history, usages and customs of the Italians of yesterday and today. I am convinced that once again the masters of clay will surprise us with their extraordinary creativity. "
Each participant may submit three items, one of which must be attached to the subject indicated, free theme instead of the other two that will reflect the traditions of territorial limits in which the author. Accessions to the competition must be received by 12:30 pm the next 23 December the municipal Culture and Tourism, and the pieces must be sent or delivered, freight prepaid, to the Museum of Terracotta Whistle "Divella" before 12.30 pm on 5 January 2011.
Measurements of whistles should not exceed 25 cm. in height and 20 cm. depth and width. The works accepted for the competition will be exhibited in the Museum of Terracotta Whistle "Divella" (with free admission) 13 to 23 January 2011 and will be evaluated by a panel of experts: the whistle prize winner will receive a purchase of 1,300 €, € 600 per second, the third € 400. Special Award "People's Whistle" for the most voted by visitors to the museum.

Info: Email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel 080.4763748
fax 080.4763793

Here is the article that appeared in Gianni Capocorto

'Unit d'Italia? Col fischio!»
Rutigliano dedica al 150°
la gara del fischietto in terracotta

RUTIGLIANO - Anche i fischietti celebreranno (ovviamente a «suon» di satira) i 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia. La giunta comunale ha deciso di dedicare la 23esima edizione del concorso nazionale del fischietto in terracotta «Città di Rutigliano» alla ricorrenza che caratterizzerà il 2011.

«Fischietti e Unità d'Italia» è il tema con cui si cimenteranno artigiani e artisti della terracotta di tutta Italia nella competizione artistica rutiglianese dedicata alla «satira fischiante».

«Capitando a gennaio - afferma l'assessore al Turismo Gianvito Defilippis - Our competition, with this issue in practice will begin in Italy to the series of celebrations of national unity. A theme that lends itself to many interpretations - continued the commissioner - from politics, even today, its history, usages and customs of the Italians of yesterday and today. I am convinced that once again the masters of clay will surprise us with their extraordinary creativity. "

Each participant can submit up to 3 works, one of which must necessarily be adhering to the stated theme, free theme instead of the other two products so that they can reflect the traditions of territorial limits in which the author.

Accessions to the competition must be received by 12.30 the next 23 December the municipal Culture and Tourism, and the pieces must be sent or delivered, freight prepaid, to the Museum of terracotta whistle "Divella" before 12:30 pm on January 5, 2011.

Another article about the contest here:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hand Powered Generator

I vincitori dei concorsi di Pertusio e Moncalieri - Ed. 2010

The winners
Moncalieri and Perth
- 2010 EDITION -

Here are the winners of the competitions for Perth and whistles of Moncalieri. Asaro
thank Aldo for the information and photos - photos are for contest Perth

fischiettai attended 16 schools and 6 with 45 and 300 whistles made by some pupils
-First Prize Enrica Cinzia-Fields-Torino
Second and third prize ex-aequo Francesco Di Martino, Salvatore Di Martino-Torino
Fourth prize –Anna Lisa Mangani Landi-Firenze
 Leggi il comunicato stampa qui.

Al concorso hanno partecipato 39 fischiettai più 6 scuole con un centinaio di fischietti oltre 300 circa realizzati dagli alunni
Primo premio - Mangani Anna Lisa Landi-Firenze
Secondo premio - Oddonetto Grazia –Cuorgnè To
Terzo premio 3° Liceo Scientifico Belfiore –Mantova
Menzionati-Bonotto Claudio-Nove,Giordano Rocco –Matera e Mimma Nicolosi-Torino.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cooler Master Scout And Motherboard Evga

Le Botteghe della Ceramica Sonora - I fischietti di Sciacca (Agrigento) – Giovanni Fisco e Vincenzo Arena

With this post we inaugurate a new column entitled "The Sound of Ceramic Workshops." Unlike the book "Stories and Sounds of Earth" - that blog readers already know and respect traditional craftsmen - this will be a series of interviews with artists who have managed to reinvent and renew this tradition of whistles.

Buona lettura!

Bisogna riconoscere che il momento scelto era stato infelice: è domenica mattina quando Giovanni and Vincenzo Arena Taxes try to ask them to talk about the whistles and ceramics Sciacca. Thus we find their shops closed as much as those of the center. Fortunately, we are meeting the great hospitality and kindness of these craftsmen contacted by telephone, both willingly accept to meet and to open their shop just for us. And there's more: shewn from a lunchtime chat the other, John does not hesitate to invite us to his house to continue to discuss over a plate of pasta with pistachio nuts.

After speaking in the previous post from Calton and his whistling ceramics, there also seems fitting to pause on another important production center of Sicily, as Sciacca (Agrigento). We do it once again gives voice to some of the most talented craftsmen and appreciated by lovers of whistles, as they are precisely Arena and Taxes.

Sciacca and its ancient tradition of working with clay
One of the first things that John Fisco explains is that we are in a land that for centuries his story intersects with that of the working of the clay.
"I am not a scholar, but say the tradition of producing pottery in Sciacca is well above that of Caltagirone. Also because this is the sea and the Arabs first arrived, bringing le loro tecniche e dando nuovo impulso all’attività artigianale.”
Ed in effetti nelle grotte del Monte Cronio – l’odierno Monte San Calogero - sono state ritrovate terrecotte risalenti al periodo di transizione fra l'età della pietra e quella del bronzo.
La città nasce probabilmente nel IV o V secolo a.c. durante la colonizzazione magno-greca della Sicilia. Era nota come Terme Selinuntine, in quanto utilizzata come centro termale dalla vicina Selinunte. Inoltre, già allora il centro era noto e apprezzato anche per le officine di vasai.

Poi nell'840 Sciacca venne occupato dagli Arabi, che dettero alla città il nome attuale e un nuovo impulso alla produzione figulina. E la produzione continued under the Norman rule, from 1087 and in later centuries.
After the second half of the '400 pottery was known in Sciacca Sicily. The product of better quality of ceramic tiles Saccensi were commissioned to decorate their palaces and churches. Vincenzo Arena
says proudly: " Sciacca was famous for up to 700 tiles. We have paved churches everywhere in Italy "

The whistles of traditional Sciacca

course not fail to ask our production of traditional crafts whistles in Sciacca. Arena explains that the whistles were already present in the eighteenth century in Sciacca.
" whistle on traditional Sciacca there are few historical references, because in 150 years of production stoppage much information has been lost . Nor are books and testimonies on the subject, partly because they were poor objects, which were in the hands of children, and then maybe falling to the ground, broke and were thrown. The shepherds of old, however, still are. Why do people do if they kept to the crib. And then maybe handed down from father to son.
Surely you remember that there were the whistles of the rooster and some anthropomorphic forms. Formerly they were in Sciacca also figures of saints, but we do not know for sure if there was a saint to whistle.

Note that unlike Caltagirone and whistles of other places where they traditionally did with the stencil, we are all modeled by hand, the mold was not known. "

Forgetting and rediscovery of ceramic

explains how Arena, this production tradition as old disappeared in the eighteenth century to be resumed only recently .
"A Sciacca ceramic production stops in the late eighteenth century and again in mid-twentieth century, so there was a break of a century and a half.
From what historians say the production has been stopped because of the competition. Despite the valuable products, competition took precedence over other centers equipped or who worked less on quality. "

In 1940 the pottery flourishes thanks to the painter and ceramist Calogero Curreri. And between 60 and 70 years a number of artists who are dedicated both to the ceramics, painting and sculpture to further boost production. Today there are dozens of shops in the old city designs and colors that reflect the ancient majolica sage. There is also Institute of art that form new generations of potters and exposes important finds of the past .

Apprenticeship and stylistic evolution of two craftsmen

ask the two craftsmen to tell of their early days in the field of ceramics and their evolution Art.
Taxes: "We were a family of workers and the only person who brought the pennies in the house was Dad. So I did all the crafts as a child: I helped to carry the cross at home in other words.
I started the job through my brother, who is a painter and ceramist, and he also taught at the Art Institute.
I started doing the classic production, but at some point I said enough. Since the 80s I started to make ceramic art. Everyone was criticized, and even today for many people I'm the crazy situation, but I do not care what type of pottery, and I gave it a clean cut.
Today I think I do something different from what others are doing ".

Arena: "My father worked in the countryside, while I have formed while working at an artisan before opening my shop. I am 1952, and then there was the law on child exploitation: the age of 10-12 years and then I was in the shop .
From the main we had the wood oven, where I learned how the wood system, as it bakes, as the oven is closed, and so on. All things that I have stored and are part of my culture as a craftsman, but maybe now the way people work has changed.
For example, I also learned how to make shiny with smoking, that almost nobody knows what to do. I speak not of metal lustres made with chemicals that can be bought today, but decades of real, those of English-Moorish tiles. These reflections were made using exactly the smoke in the reduction of temperature. It so happens that green copper becomes bronze or yellow turns to gold. It 'a technique they invented the Arabs. Today everyone is talking about doing raku, but I think we have in our tradition of superior techniques, such as this.
today in an old town like this I can not use these techniques. Once I tried it and the fire department arrived, they thought it was going to fire it.

The whistles modern

Turning to the production of whistles, it must be said that Arena Taxes have the merit to have married tradition with innovation in a successful synthesis of plastics.
of exceptional beauty are such that the whistles are in the shop of John the Treasury, who tells us: "Now I'm 20 years that I whistles. I have learned from an old potter, who was old even then and now is dead. How do I create subjects of animali fantastici. Poi mi piace l’arte africana, per cui in alcuni pezzi mi sono ispirato alle maschere africane. Poi ovviamente riproduco dei soggetti classici siciliani come il galletto, gli animali, i santi.

Tutti i pezzi che vedi qui dentro sono fatti a mano. Quelli grandi sono fatti con sfoglie di creta: le accartoccio, compongo separatamente i vari elementi, e poi comincio a montarli. Un fischietto di queste dimensioni non lo puoi fare tutto in un pezzo. E’ la stessa tecnica che usiamo per vestire le statuette di creta: fai uno scheletro e poi lo vesti.
In my large pieces is added to the whistle with a piece of clay in the main part of the figure. In those small but the whistle is modeled directly with the figure.

The colors of my whistles are always very lively because Sicily is this: we just open the window to see these colors !
Using mainly acrylic paints. I did several tests, I also made a glaze with the second firing. In some other use 'of acrylic fixative, which makes the polished pieces as if were made in enamel, but semi-gloss, as if they were made of wax.

Arena instead tells us: "To make the whistles I learned as a child watching them as others were doing. I have not had a true teacher, because basically the craftsman has to "steal the trade" to the teacher, in the sense that often the principal has no interest in teaching his secrets to others.
The subjects were all that I was making animals such as birds, seals, kittens, and so on.
While all achieve a monotone whistle, I was able to make even the ocarina to 5 notes. It was a fig-shaped figure, a little 'round, so get a sounding board and 4 holes.
Another specific Sciacca that I only I had the whistle with water.
leave them in earthenware decorated or painted them with acrylic paints, with no second time.

My whistles were always shaped by hand. D a small working I learned to model in the shop and pull out a piece of clay any . In my opinion then the artisans learned a great gesture, a manual that has now lost . The the type of market leads us to abandon this type of production, today happens at the end that the artisans are all the same things.

crisis Pottery Sciacca

Both craftsmen tell us about a difficult situation for the shops of Sciacca, due to a fierce competition that too often to the detriment of quality.
Fisco nota come ci sia un parallelismo tra la crisi della ceramica attuale e quella vissuta da Sciacca nel tardo ‘700: “La ragione che fece cessare la produzione in quell’epoca è la stessa che rischia farla scomparire ora: la concorrenza!
Oggi si sta facendo una ceramica di cattiva qualità. Se un piatto tu lo dai a 40 o 50 euro, non puoi fare una decorazione come si deve.
Io fortunata mente faccio ceramica artistica, quindi la mia score is different from the mass. I expect more that the tourist is the customer tastes a bit 'special. But for the rest around the shops have almost all the same things, and this is why this competition.
We have an art school where he teaches ceramics, but it must be said that out of the guys who do the same things that make the old ones. The renewal there was short.

Arena is also the same opinion: " With the crisis started a competition ruthless to the detriment of quality. And who makes ceramic and is intended to close .
Many of the items we have in the workshops are designed for the tourist who wants to take away a small object. The pottery is not this, but unfortunately the important part of selling it sometimes happens and sometimes does not happen.
I s ono pledged to make a quality product that we represent, but beginning to wonder: is it worth the effort? Why do people just care about having a refined object, he prefers to save € 5. The same product can be done with less time without people noticing.
The ceramics market is too narrow from Sciacca. The shops can not s osteno travel with 20 days a year. We should find new ways of doing business, to know our product. For example, you should organize the events industry standard, not related to matters of mere folklore.

The decline in the production of Fischer

The crisis and competition on the downside, do not spare even the production of whistles.
Revenue explains: "I do some of whistles for collectors, but they do not sell them a lot."

Arena has even decided to cease production of ceramic sound, so that in his shop are not even a whistle. Fortunately, we trust that he intended to resume production, creating an innovative product.
"15 years ago, the craftsmen who made Sciacca whistles were 3-4 in the most professional manner. But then the collector has pushed many craftsmen to produce them as well. Maybe they were less expensive, lower quality, because obviously something to lower the cost you should remove. At one point it turned out that many tourists seemed too much of that time for 5,000 lire a whistle, and then I realized I was no longer the case to continue to make , and I stopped completely.
There is a quality market for devotees, but it's niche, it makes a difference. Today whistles make them a bit 'all, and if they are of low quality. I think the product should not be so: the souvenir itself has no meaning, we have the full houses and after a while 'we throw them away.

The intention is to go back to the whistles, to make it a different set than I did before. I have made up his mind to do the ocarina to 7 notes. It is said that to succeed, because it is one thing to master. But we would like to try. Will be stained a second time, using special techniques. The intention is there but I have lots of new intentions. Then I often lack the time, however, "

The last question that we turn to the two craftsmen and have a successor ready to take the baton their production. Respond with a hint of bitterness of not having children or apprentices who have undertaken their own profession.

Taxes: "I'm sorry, but the shop is likely to close when I ritire Ro activity. I would love to teach the craft to a boy and carry on this conversation. Only that young people just set foot inside the store you ask me what? Presumptuous these guys, we can not discuss. They do not seek a Master to learn. Seek immediate gain, and have no desire to renew ceramics.
But lately there's a guy who asked me to be able to learn the technique of whistles, and with my help doing something. "

Arena: "I have 2 daughters, none of which deals with ceramics. One is majoring in classical literature and the other has begun engineering. I'm sorry, but the others will do the pottery. "


photos whistles - published with the permission of Paul Loforte - are pieces in the order of G. Revenue (fish), V. Arena (puffer fish) G. Revenue (fantastic animal, asfricana mask, bird), V. Arena (fish-bird), G. Taxes (3 African masks).

texts s ono of Maximilian Trulli ( ). Reproduction.

Le informazioni storiche sono ricavate dal volume “Le città della ceramica – maioliche e porcellane in Italia, Touring Club Italiano in collaborazione con l’Ass. Italiana Città della Ceramica, 2001

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can Chlyamdia Affect The Mouth

Fiera dei fischietti a Moncalieri - Torino


On October 17, 2010 in Moncalieri (Turin) -

The "Fera dij Subièt" was established in 1286 by Amedeo di Savoia fifth to reward his subjects. There were stalls full of goods for common people who came to make provision for the 'winter, games, dances and especially the famous subièt (whistles) of clay with which they improvised concerts to' arrival of the king and his court. All

continued for centuries until 1865 when he had to leave Turin as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy Moncalieri and ceased to be the summer residence of Savoy. Subièt riots broke out and played as a sign of disapproval and protest. With the passing

degli anni la fiera diminuì di importanza e poi non fu più organizzata, rimasero però nella memoria popolare e nella tradizione di Moncalieri i subièt di terracotta.

Nel 1997 la Pro Loco decise di far rivivere la tradizione della fiera in concomitanza con l'esposizione straordinaria di fischietti allestita dal Circolo Saturnio, che ospita il museo del fischietto con una raccolta di circa 1000 esemplari di ogni foggia, colore e materiale provenienti da vari paesi del mondo e di varie epoche.

Una giornata di festa allestita nel centro storico, una fiera con costumi d'epoca e la partecipazione di gruppi storici che fanno rivivere l'atmosfera della corte sabauda nel 1700 e 1800. E' prevista inoltre l'esibizione della Filarmonina Moncalieri and the participation of historical cars.

During the day we attend the awarding ceremony of the ninth national "sound sculptures" Nino Fiumara and participate in the distribution of the Grand cauliflower risotto Moncalieri.

afternoon, the center will see the exhibition of historical groups by the Circle Saturn and setting up a small workshop organized by craftsmen for the production of whistles from the children. A

end of the day delivery of an award to the crews of vintage cars.

Source: - \u200b\u200blink here.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Printed Wedding Menus

Un saluto a Totò Cardello

Toto Cardello with Mario Judice
Yesterday, July 15, he left Toto Cardello. Will miss those who have had the privilege to know him and remember him as a generous person, intelligent, humorous, always polite manners. Surely

Toto will remain in the hearts of many fans of ceramic artisans and sound. In over 20 years as few others had contributed to the rediscovery and revival of this form of expression. It was Also, with a voluntary and disinterested, dictated solely by his passion for popular culture in Sicily and elsewhere. For this test
special affection and gratitude for him, for leading us - with joy - in the poetic world of whistles. From 1988 to 2003

Totò was the main instigator of the 14 editions of the Review of the whistles of Caltagirone
, one of the cultural events organized in Italy on the ceramic sound.
Also, thanks to his commitment and his passion has been made 4 numbers Sibilus, specialized publication that is a major reference text for those with whistles.

Toto, we are proud with his own words, below the last Sibilus introductory text, in which Toto takes stock of the editions of the Review.

Thanks Toto.

Association Genius Loci

sixteen years have passed since the first review calatina with the rediscovery of the old, timeless "frischitti, crockery wind of our ancestors, held at the end of March and early April during the Easter holidays of 1988, fresh on the premises then the restoration of the Palazzo di S. Libertini Mark 'sutta' a vote 'or Viscu.

seems like yesterday, ma quasi un ventennio è passato: ed è già tempo di consuntivi.
Torniamo a distanza di sette anni con “Sibilus 4” a tentare un bilancio dalle voci più varie ma parimenti significative, con grandi soddisfazioni per quello che in questi anni abbiamo seminato e raccolto ma anche con imprevisti e difficoltosi rallentamenti per le aspettative non raggiunte.

Prima fra tutte l’auspicata realizzazione di un Museo dove poter, stabilmente, esporre gli oltre quattromila reperti della dotazione dell’A.A.S.T. di Caltagirone, frutto di questi anni di dedizione e graditissimo dono di tanti amici vicini e lontani sparsi per tutta la penisola e, perfino, all’estero; rinomate piccole sculture sonanti appositamente made to our collection and that, over the years, have also become the heritage of our community, will and memory of remote and traditional Easter celebrations, which were among the festival and the Miracles of Our ai Cappuccini, with the old, colorful, unforgettable stalls set out their coveted whistles of our childhood.

Maybe - and we hope not - for reasons of force majeure, this publication might be the final, how to love remains the absence of recent years in which it was not possible to be present with the annual spring meeting.
Therefore, groped a final in these pages also becomes an obligation morale among the younger generations, who could blame a law for what could be done but that was not done.

those formidable years that we have recently experienced, enriched by many experiences and new friends, and that so far have allowed the publication of "Sibilus" but - like all things of this world - also marked by separations and final traumatic for so many friends who ormnai belong only to the memories.
Peppino De Fazio, the potter first met in 1990 in Grottaglie, Mario Giani (Clizia), artist and gentleman of the old school, Renata Frison Zanello, who died prematurely in July of 2001 and the following pages will also seek to "give durata all’impossibile durata della vita”, come significativamente si sono espressi Serena e Roberto Zanello nel ricordo della loro cara congiunta.

Pagine per tornare a descrivere la ripresa di un cammino interrotto nel precedente numero al 1996, con il resoconto di ben altre sei rassegne e dei suoi tanti protagonisti.

Infatti, è a partire dal 1997 che, grazie agli originali allestimenti progettati e curati dagli arch. Luigi Belvedere e Stefania Piffero e realizzati dalla falegnameria Giuseppe Cannella & F., quella che finora era stata una semplice esposizione annuale di circa cinquecento fischietti diventa – con l’apprezzamento di migliaia di visitatori – una Mostra d’arte popolare unique while the publication of "Sibilus", with its fundamental scientific, anthropological knowledge helps to increase the colorful world of whistles, becoming the upper room and a meeting place between the various scholars, researchers and scholars of popular ceramics breath. (...)

"There will always be your whistles with their sound shrill at times will give back joy and peace of mind ... And when something you do not like a genius whistles tightly." I found these sentences in a book given to me by Jenny peril birthday 10 years ago. To her, Ciccio, a companion of the first trips outside the city to search for new samples, Salvo, an expert knowledge of styles, types, and artists p'rovenienze whistles, Marie-Antoinette who patiently supported me and endured in this particular "Peter Pan syndrome," a heartfelt thanks.

Salvatore Cardello 2004

A post with an interview with Salvatore Cardello has been posted on this site and-whistles-della.html

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Poems To Daughter At Christmas

Mostra di arte postale a favore di Haiti - Spazio Libero - Matera

Mos between mail art and silent auction

"A doodle for Haiti"

CLEARANCE Viale Aldo Moro, 33 - MATERA

1 July 2010 - July 31, 2010

Starting July 1 from today and until July 31, 2010 at Area Available in Matera Viale Aldo Moro, 33 saranno in mostra 150 cartoline artistiche arrivate dall’Italia e da diverse parti del mondo (Grecia, Romania, Canada, Stati Uniti, Filippine, Svizzera, Serbia). Gli a rtisti (aderendo all’invito dell’Associazione Culturale Genius Loci diramata via internet) hanno creato delle opere in miniatura aventi le dimensioni della cartolina e realizzate con diverse tecniche: collage, acquarello, penna e pennarelli, matita, altre tecniche artistiche nonché cartoline realizzate in stoffa dall’artista Teresa Gai.

I lavori sono stati creati sia da artisti using the mail art as a technique privileged and are internationally known - that children and adults who have ventured for the first time with this art form to take part actively in this event of Mail-art where generosity is always a must: every little work is great for the soul that contains and is left to others with heartfelt sharing and brotherhood. He writes Beatrice Toscano, a worker at the center of Agno (Switzerland) in the letter attached to the cards made in the center where she works as an art counselor:

"Dear Sirs, I have seen Your ad "A doodle for Haiti" on Facebook and I decided to propose to users the day center where I work to prepare some sketches. With great pleasure I send the scribbles we've done we hope to contribute to u n little help for Haiti. I find it amazing the initiative because it gives the opportunity to participate to those who for various reasons not to participate in other ways. A heartfelt thanks to those who had the idea and those who have implemented "

The aim of the exhibition and auction of postcards is to raise funds to send to Haiti . The project got underway May 22 with Giornata dello Scarabocchio , organizzata dal I Circolo Didattico P. G. Minozzi e dall’Ass. Culturale Genius Loci. In tale occasione sono stati raccolti, ed inviati all’Unicef per l’emergenza Haiti, 600 euro.

(Disegni realizzati durante la Giornata dello Scarabocchio)

Presso Spazio Libero, oltre ad partecipare all'asta per aggiudicarsi una cartolina d'artista, sarà possibile ricevere una cartolina da "scarabocchiare" ed inviare ai propri amici o parenti donando un solo euro e poter ripetere così la bellissima esperienza della Giornata of Scribble.

(scribble a postcard and send)

-space has provided a "home" in July to continue this marathon of solidarity for Haiti. The exhibition of art postal pro-Haiti winds through an exhibition to discover: the renowned furniture and accessories materane of the nine companies that have created the Consortium.

Opening hours: Monday ore 16,00 - 20,00

Da Martedì a venerdì: ore 9,00 - 20,00

Sabato ore 9,00 - 13,00

Telefono Verde: 800-180769

Per maggiori informazioni sulla mostra Ass. Genius Loci Matera 335.8185461

Le cartoline pervenute possono essere visionate sul sito dedicato all'evento:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Littles Petshop Clipart

Fammi un fischio - Pertusio 2010

6ª Mostra Concorso del fischietto in terracotta
“Galli, Galline e Galletti”
dal 3 al 10 ottobre 2010

Ecco di seguito la lettera di invito inviata agli artisti per la mostra/concorso dedicata ai fischietti ed organizzata dalla proloco di Pertusio:

Carissimo/a amico/a rieccoci pronti per l’appuntamento con la mostra concorso “Fammi un fischio”, la manifestazione dedicata all’ARTE ed ai BAMBINI, giunta quest’anno alla sua 6^ edizione.
Thanks to your valuable presence and the beauty of your works, the exhibition has gained increasing prominence and appreciation.
We would be happy if this year I wanted to contribute, with your presence, to the event to be held October 10, 2010, during which, as in every year, will set up the traditional market.
Are you ready to make us see and hear your beautiful whistle "Galli, hens, cockerels?
And expect you and your works for many whistling ... ... ... ... ...
Chicchirichì and Cluck
Tourist Association Pro Loco of Perth

download the invitation here:

For more information about the competition: or tel. : 3492700293 - 3357864800-3402664924

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bloody Puss In The Ear

Cuneo: i fischietti in mostra nei negozi del centro storico

Public integralemnte this news shows a very interesting and curious! The whistles of our dear friend Armando Scuto will be on display in Cuneo in the shops of Old Town and at the palace Samone.
News Source and photos: the online newspaper of the province of Cuneo.

Cuneo: The terracotta whistles and shops at the Palazzo Samone the historic center

In July an exhibition allows you to discover pottery dating back to pre-Columbian whistles. Whistles around the world in the windows of shops of Porticone.

An exhibition at Palazzo Samone and an initiative that will involve several shops in the historic center. They are both linked to an object from the long and curious history: the whistle. Not only working tool of referees and policemen, but also as art or even archaeological finds dating back to very ancient times. The history of the whistle the city of Cuneo, in collaboration with the Porticone and dell'Atl devotes two summer events. From 2 July to 1 August, the Palazzo Samone will host an exhibition entitled 'Artist's Toltecatl - pre-Columbian terracotta whistles'. The original exhibition, made up of pieces from the collection of Monica and Armando Scuto Ciaburri, propose a course divided into five rooms: the first two works of Colima and Totonac cultures Vera Cruz from Mexico, the Mayan culture in the third peninsula of the Jaina Yucatan, in the fourth and fifth room works from Peru and Ecuador. This is Venus, smiling figures, gods, animals, warriors, musicians, ball players going back to 500 BC, terracotta objects through lo ‘screditato fischietto’ offrono un assaggio di storia ‘prima della storia’ delle civiltà precolombiane.

Ai fischietti in terracotta è legata una storia lunga ed affascinante che riguarda da vicino anche la terra di Granda. A Cuneo i più anziani ricordano il ‘Subiola’, un signore descritto come ‘alto e distinto’ che vendeva ocarine e galletti fischianti insieme ai dolciumi al mercato di Cuneo. Molto più antico è il fischietto del Museo Antropologico delle Raccolte Civiche ritrovato negli scavi durante i lavori di rifacimento di piazza Boves. Un oggetto risalente al XIV secolo con forme di animale proveniente forse dall’area monregalese. In pochi lo direbbero, ma i fischietti say much about the history of countries of origin, presenting well-defined and unique characteristics of a nation or a state. Also part of the collection of Monica and Armando Scuto Ciaburri whistles are involved in this initiative by the World exhibition curated by Particone, the association of shopkeepers in the historic center of town. The works will be presented on Thursday evening, the opening day of week in stores, in the windows of the establishments participating in the project. In the same evening some craftsmen will show the public the techniques of whistles. PL

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Angels And Airwaves Tattoo

I Cuchi e lo zodiaco. Mostra a Nove

The group of Venetian Cucari presents Nine (Vicenza), the exhibition on the theme

"The Cuchi .... and the zodiac."

Piazza De Fabris - NINE

From June 19 to July 4, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

What To The Best Med For Heart Burns

La Festa Europea della Musica a Matera




«L’adesione di 18 associazioni alla realizzazione del calendario delle manifestazioni della Festa della Musica, in programma a Matera dal 17 al 25 giugno, è la conferma del risultato positivo di una formula che può essere mutuata». Lo sostiene Gigi Esposito, presidente dell’Onyx Jazz club, che ha promosso l’iniziativa anche nel 2010 e che, insieme ad altre 17 associazioni ha animato un cartellone di numerosi eventi che si svolgeranno nei luoghi più suggestivi della città.

«La comunicazione che il Mibac – Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali – ci ha inviato e nella quale spiega di non aderire alla Festa europea della Musica non riduce il nostro impegno. Siamo convinti che il principio della sinergia che l’iniziativa di Matera attua concertamente è il metodo migliore per trasformare idee, progetti, opportunità in strumenti di sviluppo del territorio sotto il profilo culturale, ambientale e sociale.

Dalle mostre fotografiche, alle passeggiate, alle iniziative di tutela del patrimonio ambientale, fino alla raccolta fondi a favore delle associazioni, il messaggio che crediamo debba passare è che la città possa candidarsi in modo più q ualificato a diventare Capitale europea della cul tura, se proprio quella cultura diviene patrimonio da preservare, difendere in nome di una crescita e di un’attenzione che devono rappresentare il valore aggiunto per l’impegno di tutti noi.

Sono convinto – conclude Esposito – che la Festa della Musica sia il primo passo di un percorso che stiamo dimostrando di poter compiere».

Download and print the complete program of the European Music Festival in Matera HERE!

La Festa Europea della M usica a Matera

.. ....tra escursioni, mostre fotografiche, labo ratori, concerti, films, videoperformance, Jam Session, fumetti, fischietti e....passeggiate in bicicletta

25 anni di onyx

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Plugged Nose Symptoms From Coconut Oil?

Un omaggio a un mito :)

EI-EEW at sunset at that MXP:)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Drinking Age Barcelona 2010

Massignano si infiamma!

Massignano si infiamma - 2010

simposio sui materiali e le poetiche della ceramica sonora

_sabato 12 e domenica 13 giugno_

Massignano - Centro Storico - ore 9.30-23


Due giorni che trasformeranno il centro storico in un vero e proprio laboratorio a cielo aperto

Gli artisti, provenienti da tutta Italia, si ritroveranno nel centro storico sabato mattino e daranno inizio alla costruzione di forni di bottiglia e cartone, dove saranno cotti manufatti in terracotta.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Mirtazapine Sclerosis

Conclusa con successo la Biennale!

- People's Jury Prize - winner Whistle "Cuckoo fish with" Thomas Niglio
(Photo by Antonio Mazzilli)



ended yesterday with great success the Second Edition of the International Biennial of clay whistle in the City of Matera "- which saw once again the protagonist ceramic art sound.
were numerous visitors during the 15 days of the exhibition contest: Matera, tourists and school groups have visited the Biennale, with its 252 whistles, were able to admire the beauty of the place that hosted the exhibition - The Church of Santa Maria de Armenis (a great discovery for many Matera who had never seen before!)

Among the large audience that in recent days has visited the exhibition there was the artist Marianne Ban - Hungarian - which has took the opportunity to visit the Biennale is an exhibition that our city. His wonder was that he decided to donate several of his works for the future museo Internazionale del Fischietto in terracotta da farsi a Matera a cura dell’Ass. Culturale Genius loci. Le opere donate in questa seconda edizione del concorso sono 144 che insieme alla collezione privata dell’Associazione Genius Loci ed ai fischietti donati nella prima edizione della Biennale tenutasi nel 2008, creano una nutrita raccolta di circa 500 fischietti italiani e stranieri.

(In foto gli artisti Onofrio Chieco e Piero Colapietro - in arte Pico - che mostrano l'arte del costruire un fischietto)
Come da consuetudine l’Ass. Genius Loci ha proposto laboratori creativi gratuiti a bambini ed adulti, frequentati in questa edition by school children of primary school and middle school and families.
Schoolchildren and their teachers, but also families and the citizens of Matera, which have taken place continuously during the days of the exhibition have made with their vote for the winner of the People's Jury Award, which turned out to be with Thomas Niglio of the work entitled "Cuckoo with fish" with 196 preferences. (Photo by opening up)

The counting was concerned that 1245 cards are available for anyone to access them at the headquarters of the Association, for 3 months. The People's Jury Prize consists of a grant of € 250.00.

L’iniziativa, ancora una volta, ha contribuito a far conoscere la ceramica sonora nelle sue svariate forme, colori e provenienze agli oltre 2800 visitatori ed è stata un'altra occasione per allargare la rete di contatti tra collezionisti, artisti, artigiani e neofiti “del fischietto in terracotta”.
L’inizitiva, per voce del presidente dell’Associazione Culturale Genius Loci, è stata resa possibile grazie al contributo della Regione Basilicata -Dipartimento Agricoltura, Banca Popolare del Mezzogiorno, Camera di Commercio di Matera, Altrimedia Edizioni. Ulteriori ringraziamenti vanno al Comune di Matera, Al Consorzio Vini Matera DOC, allo Slow Food di Matera, alle aziende Tenuta Zagarella e Montemurro and Dr. Armando Scuto president of Anemos. A
rrivederci edition of 2012!


(Photo by Antonio Mazzilli)