Thursday, July 1, 2010

Poems To Daughter At Christmas

Mostra di arte postale a favore di Haiti - Spazio Libero - Matera

Mos between mail art and silent auction

"A doodle for Haiti"

CLEARANCE Viale Aldo Moro, 33 - MATERA

1 July 2010 - July 31, 2010

Starting July 1 from today and until July 31, 2010 at Area Available in Matera Viale Aldo Moro, 33 saranno in mostra 150 cartoline artistiche arrivate dall’Italia e da diverse parti del mondo (Grecia, Romania, Canada, Stati Uniti, Filippine, Svizzera, Serbia). Gli a rtisti (aderendo all’invito dell’Associazione Culturale Genius Loci diramata via internet) hanno creato delle opere in miniatura aventi le dimensioni della cartolina e realizzate con diverse tecniche: collage, acquarello, penna e pennarelli, matita, altre tecniche artistiche nonché cartoline realizzate in stoffa dall’artista Teresa Gai.

I lavori sono stati creati sia da artisti using the mail art as a technique privileged and are internationally known - that children and adults who have ventured for the first time with this art form to take part actively in this event of Mail-art where generosity is always a must: every little work is great for the soul that contains and is left to others with heartfelt sharing and brotherhood. He writes Beatrice Toscano, a worker at the center of Agno (Switzerland) in the letter attached to the cards made in the center where she works as an art counselor:

"Dear Sirs, I have seen Your ad "A doodle for Haiti" on Facebook and I decided to propose to users the day center where I work to prepare some sketches. With great pleasure I send the scribbles we've done we hope to contribute to u n little help for Haiti. I find it amazing the initiative because it gives the opportunity to participate to those who for various reasons not to participate in other ways. A heartfelt thanks to those who had the idea and those who have implemented "

The aim of the exhibition and auction of postcards is to raise funds to send to Haiti . The project got underway May 22 with Giornata dello Scarabocchio , organizzata dal I Circolo Didattico P. G. Minozzi e dall’Ass. Culturale Genius Loci. In tale occasione sono stati raccolti, ed inviati all’Unicef per l’emergenza Haiti, 600 euro.

(Disegni realizzati durante la Giornata dello Scarabocchio)

Presso Spazio Libero, oltre ad partecipare all'asta per aggiudicarsi una cartolina d'artista, sarà possibile ricevere una cartolina da "scarabocchiare" ed inviare ai propri amici o parenti donando un solo euro e poter ripetere così la bellissima esperienza della Giornata of Scribble.

(scribble a postcard and send)

-space has provided a "home" in July to continue this marathon of solidarity for Haiti. The exhibition of art postal pro-Haiti winds through an exhibition to discover: the renowned furniture and accessories materane of the nine companies that have created the Consortium.

Opening hours: Monday ore 16,00 - 20,00

Da Martedì a venerdì: ore 9,00 - 20,00

Sabato ore 9,00 - 13,00

Telefono Verde: 800-180769

Per maggiori informazioni sulla mostra Ass. Genius Loci Matera 335.8185461

Le cartoline pervenute possono essere visionate sul sito dedicato all'evento:


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