Friday, July 16, 2010

Printed Wedding Menus

Un saluto a Totò Cardello

Toto Cardello with Mario Judice
Yesterday, July 15, he left Toto Cardello. Will miss those who have had the privilege to know him and remember him as a generous person, intelligent, humorous, always polite manners. Surely

Toto will remain in the hearts of many fans of ceramic artisans and sound. In over 20 years as few others had contributed to the rediscovery and revival of this form of expression. It was Also, with a voluntary and disinterested, dictated solely by his passion for popular culture in Sicily and elsewhere. For this test
special affection and gratitude for him, for leading us - with joy - in the poetic world of whistles. From 1988 to 2003

Totò was the main instigator of the 14 editions of the Review of the whistles of Caltagirone
, one of the cultural events organized in Italy on the ceramic sound.
Also, thanks to his commitment and his passion has been made 4 numbers Sibilus, specialized publication that is a major reference text for those with whistles.

Toto, we are proud with his own words, below the last Sibilus introductory text, in which Toto takes stock of the editions of the Review.

Thanks Toto.

Association Genius Loci

sixteen years have passed since the first review calatina with the rediscovery of the old, timeless "frischitti, crockery wind of our ancestors, held at the end of March and early April during the Easter holidays of 1988, fresh on the premises then the restoration of the Palazzo di S. Libertini Mark 'sutta' a vote 'or Viscu.

seems like yesterday, ma quasi un ventennio è passato: ed è già tempo di consuntivi.
Torniamo a distanza di sette anni con “Sibilus 4” a tentare un bilancio dalle voci più varie ma parimenti significative, con grandi soddisfazioni per quello che in questi anni abbiamo seminato e raccolto ma anche con imprevisti e difficoltosi rallentamenti per le aspettative non raggiunte.

Prima fra tutte l’auspicata realizzazione di un Museo dove poter, stabilmente, esporre gli oltre quattromila reperti della dotazione dell’A.A.S.T. di Caltagirone, frutto di questi anni di dedizione e graditissimo dono di tanti amici vicini e lontani sparsi per tutta la penisola e, perfino, all’estero; rinomate piccole sculture sonanti appositamente made to our collection and that, over the years, have also become the heritage of our community, will and memory of remote and traditional Easter celebrations, which were among the festival and the Miracles of Our ai Cappuccini, with the old, colorful, unforgettable stalls set out their coveted whistles of our childhood.

Maybe - and we hope not - for reasons of force majeure, this publication might be the final, how to love remains the absence of recent years in which it was not possible to be present with the annual spring meeting.
Therefore, groped a final in these pages also becomes an obligation morale among the younger generations, who could blame a law for what could be done but that was not done.

those formidable years that we have recently experienced, enriched by many experiences and new friends, and that so far have allowed the publication of "Sibilus" but - like all things of this world - also marked by separations and final traumatic for so many friends who ormnai belong only to the memories.
Peppino De Fazio, the potter first met in 1990 in Grottaglie, Mario Giani (Clizia), artist and gentleman of the old school, Renata Frison Zanello, who died prematurely in July of 2001 and the following pages will also seek to "give durata all’impossibile durata della vita”, come significativamente si sono espressi Serena e Roberto Zanello nel ricordo della loro cara congiunta.

Pagine per tornare a descrivere la ripresa di un cammino interrotto nel precedente numero al 1996, con il resoconto di ben altre sei rassegne e dei suoi tanti protagonisti.

Infatti, è a partire dal 1997 che, grazie agli originali allestimenti progettati e curati dagli arch. Luigi Belvedere e Stefania Piffero e realizzati dalla falegnameria Giuseppe Cannella & F., quella che finora era stata una semplice esposizione annuale di circa cinquecento fischietti diventa – con l’apprezzamento di migliaia di visitatori – una Mostra d’arte popolare unique while the publication of "Sibilus", with its fundamental scientific, anthropological knowledge helps to increase the colorful world of whistles, becoming the upper room and a meeting place between the various scholars, researchers and scholars of popular ceramics breath. (...)

"There will always be your whistles with their sound shrill at times will give back joy and peace of mind ... And when something you do not like a genius whistles tightly." I found these sentences in a book given to me by Jenny peril birthday 10 years ago. To her, Ciccio, a companion of the first trips outside the city to search for new samples, Salvo, an expert knowledge of styles, types, and artists p'rovenienze whistles, Marie-Antoinette who patiently supported me and endured in this particular "Peter Pan syndrome," a heartfelt thanks.

Salvatore Cardello 2004

A post with an interview with Salvatore Cardello has been posted on this site and-whistles-della.html


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