Sulla scia del grande successo di pubblico e critica della IV Edizione dell’Hermes Art Festival, nasce l’Hermes Halloween Festival, serata ispirata a tematiche gotiche e fantasy.
Per l’occasione, la Hermes House, sede dell’Associazione Hermes, svela e disvela tinte dark, trasudando humour nero e poetiche cimiteriali.
A fare da sfondo a letture e danze oniriche e stregonesche, le opere pittoriche di tre valenti artisti della provincia jonica: Davide Rochira, pittore originario di Talsano (TA), prematuramente scomparso lo scorso anno, Thomas "Brat" Stay, writer and painter Palagianello (TA), Maria Letizia Gangemi, poet and painter of the Umbrian origin, adoption of Taranto.
The event was delivered by the artistic director Luigi Pignatelli, twenty-one student, the third year of modern literature, theater company founder in 2005 of Hermes in 2007 and the school of acting, singing and dance Hermes Academy (for info and registration 3316400546 or, art critic, editor, writer, director and performer of numerous plays, staged in public squares and theaters all over Italy, and author of literary works of great value as Pages Diary (Dellisanti Publisher, Massafra 2005) and Soul Tin (Editions Hermes, Taranto 2007).
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