Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Need License For Motor Boat

ooh ... if the finger is linked to ...!!!

... and yes, I'd say that good Stefano be taken if the ... his "removal" from the organic a known television not just went down ... and in this video message unveils its version of events.

Noto, however, that the Net is having some success his VideoBlog , readers are increasing day by day (personally I follow him from the start of the Blog managed by him).

I would note that, among its most striking recent surveys, one on "Ford Italy" has had virtually no feedback almost between traditional media (TG, national newspapers with wide circulation) .... complaint or not they remember ???...


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Suspended License In Ohio Moving To Illinois

think, I think ... and online (italia.it)

... I had spoken , polemical tones, some time ago ....

This evening, in full regalia, the TG2 Rai in the late evening presented a service that describes the launch and the presence of the online portal www.italia.it ...

remember that this domain is registered since 2004, which had been allocated 40 million Dollars for the development of the Portal. To date this announcement
is no longer online, but is available to its copy here (dated May 14, 2006).

I did a quick spin on the site, but frankly, it seemed a bit 'confusing' (extensive use of Flash and Java), impractical to navigate (for me that NOT use IE) ...
probably for the rush ... maybe a spin and let us see a little bit like operation ..


Update 23/02/2007: I read this morning ' interesting article on Point Computer ... are evidently not the only one have expressed some concern about 'italia.it' ....

Update 27/02/2007: not a day goes by that you do not read criticism, sometimes the most bitter and sarcastic, about the online presence of the portal ' italia.it ' .... reading here this evening and I come across (on Qix.it ) in what I believe to be the best outlet for c. .. , That is this:

Click on image to view in a larger 'visible'


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Reliable Insurance Company

La Fonera

How to define those elements that sells FONERA on site Ebay perhaps after it had FREE with various promotions??
... truly a specified period, there would not write it explicitly but it is better ... time, we understood each other, no?

These objects (in Italy) to date: 230091839017 , 190085196898, 120088882713 , a few days and maybe others that I have escaped .....

Okay ... on ebay if they are seen even worse ....



Monday, February 19, 2007

Silver Panasonic Surround Sound System

Z-list on Ebay, which I participate in a chain ....

I read today on pandemic, it seems (E.). S.antonio the usual chain of ... The play

è questo: si crea un nuovo post dove si indicano gli indirizzi di Blog un po "defilati" e magari poco conosciuti (non necessariamente) ma che forse meriterebbero più visibilità.


1. crea un nuovo post sul tuo blog
2. crea una lista di blog da seguire secondo i tuoi gusti e/o scelte personali (il link di ogni blog deve puntare alla home page del Blog stesso)
3. includi nella lista il blog da cui hai avuto notizia dell’iniziativa
4. non includere il tuo link nella lista
5. pubblica tutto.

Questa la mia personale Z-list :
Good Reading


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Why Does The Pancreas Have Ribosomes

... Apparently, I say it seems ... Comex Sky Italy vs Spa: 1 to 0

yes, it took two years abundant .... The first instance

fu presentata in data 22/11/2004 dalla Comex S.p.a. di Ravenna nei confronti di Sky Italia , in tale comunicazione si richiedeva , sìa a Sky Italia sìa al NDS Ltd . , di rilasciare la relativa licenza di costruire , sviluppare e commercializzare l'appostito "modulo di accesso condizionato" (CAM) in tecnologìa NDS da installarsi nel loro prodotto 'X-Dome'.

Chi allora seguiva i vari forum e newsgroup in Rete si ricorderà che si discuteva molto sulla storia " cambio di codifica SECA>NDS " ( qui c'e' un'ampio riassunto) , tra l'altro molti abbonati Sky Pay TV abandoned precisely because of that choice (?) Technology that would prevent the user / subscriber to use the services of Sky using your digital receiver CI (Common Interface), perhaps paid a high price .. ..

's Telecommunications Regulatory Authority takes note of the demands of Comex, but not Sky spring and has always refused to grant the license to third parties " NDS."

The bureaucratic process went forward, and January 31, 2007, the official site of ' AGCOM has appeared Resolution No. 62/07/CONS . Go read it in full, carry only the final part:

>> CUT


companies NDS Ltd and Sky Italy srl, within thirty days of notification of this decision, to disclose all conditions, including technical , security and commercial applications for the grant of license for the conditional access system "Videoguard" as well as customized for Sky Italy srl.

Failure to comply with the requirements of this provision entails the application of the penalties provided by law.

This action would be reported to the company NDS Ltd and Sky Italy Srl, and is published in the Official Bulletin and website.

Rome, January 31, 2007

>> CUT

Time will tell .....


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Booster Seat Table Hook-on Best

aridaglie .................. (SKY Italy)

... and if it passes this makes four! ... therefore as many convictions for false advertising against Sky Italy.

The last complaint in order of time and ' Adiconsum , a step taken from the same site of Consumer:

'ADVERTISING' MISLEADING: Adiconsum again denounced SKY Antitrust for misleading advertising. The advertising campaign is indicted on SKY to 11 €.
In fact, through advertising , SKY spreads the idea that you can subscribe to pay TV spending only € 11. The statement is false because the package cheaper than SKY costs 24 € a month, except movies and sport. In the advertising that is not clearly defined promotion is related to a reduction in time. If the reason to give antitrust Adiconsum, SKY suffer the fourth conviction for false advertising. "

of 'mischief' that combines the well-known pay-TV I already wrote .....

The original page on the site Adiconsum here: http: / / tinyurl.com/yt5nvf

It also speaks of PierLiugi Totardo ZeusNews here: http://tinyurl.com/yurebl


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Moving Company Brochure Templates

Unstoppable .. ..

.... despite some minor controversy about the fact that this system of VoIP telephony uses a protocol di comunicazione 'proprietario' (e quindi chiuso) , il numero degli utenti sale sempre ...

Oggi 6 febbraio 2007 vedo qualcosa come


utenti OnLine !!!!

Ok , gli utenti registrati sono molti di più , gia l'anno scorso si festeggiava la 100milionesima registrazione , ma tanta gente OnLine contemporaneamente non l'avevo ancora vista ....

Ad oggi siamo arrivati alla versione (per windows)

Scarica la tua copia gratuita di SkyPe

Update 10/02/2007: Wandering among the various Italian Blogs (or not) I found some interesting posts regarding the fact that Skype would be a little too 'intrusive ' on your PC when it is installed:

and then this final gem, offering a free program to remove (then uninstalled) Skype from your PC ....


Friday, February 2, 2007

Organza Table Toppers Made By S

affected nine million on TV

Premetto subito che questo tipo di programma Tv non è esattamente di mio gradimento ... e già da qualche tempo .

Sfogliando il ' Resto del Carlino ' stamattina leggo che all'interno della trasmissione sarebbe presente , come partecipante al reality-scioc (... no , non è un'errore) , una persona che avrebbe delle pendenze nei confronti della Legge , un pregiudicato insomma ... e che la Produzione stava valutando se era il caso di squalificarla ...

Ma perchè ci si should be surprised at this?? ... sit in the pews of the Italian Parliament dozens of people in the same condition, some with a final sentence ....

Basta! Parlamento pulito Basta! Parlamento pulito Basta! Parlamento pulito

There 's some of these that has been "disqualified" by chance?