Thursday, March 3, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Bladder Prolapse Blog
Friday, February 18, 2011
What Should Federal Withholding Be On 28,000
Il Pane è Pace. Progetto di Arte Postale a favore dei bimbi del Mozambico e Brasile
The Ass. Genius Loci is pleased to present this event: a mail art project in which everyone can participate!
The Ass. Genius Loci is pleased to present this event: a mail art project in which everyone can participate!
Mail art project
The Slow Food Matera and Consortium for the Protection of the Bread of Matera, in collaboration with the PGI ' Cultural Association Genius Loci Matera and SimbdeaLab , Cooperative Society of Goods and Services Museography Demoethnoanthropological, promote international project on Mail Art Bread and bread called 'PACE , sponsored by the Province of Matera.
The aim of the initiative is to see side by side in a group show established artists, children, teens and amateurs in order to show how the bread, this has always been food on our tables, it is interpreted and represented according to different patterns of expression and artistic.
is not a competition is not a race, the important thing is to participate and discuss artistically on the same theme. Who can participate then?
All! Artists and non! Although schools, students, children, boys ...
The initiative includes the creation of themed postcards which will feed into exhibitions staged on the occasion of national and international fairs which will participate in the Consortium for the Bread of Matera IGP since April 2011 .
The first exhibition will be staged on the occasion of "EXQUISITE 2011-SAN PATRIGNANO" the shows that follow will be organized with the calendar will be announced later. At the final show scheduled for the month of December 2011 the works will be offered for sale via silent auction.
The proceeds will be donated to charity to the 'Association Basilicata Mozambique ONLUS " and all' voluntary association" Sem Fronterias " for projects to benefit children in Mozambique and Brazil. With all the works received will be built a catalog that will be presented at the final exhibition.
All postcards produced will also be published on the blog dedicated to the initiative: http://www.materamailart.blogspot.com .
are therefore invited to participate in the artists and
Le cartoline dovranno essere realizzate secondo le seguenti modalità:
supporto e tecnica libera;
misure massime 13 x 18 cm.
Il tema del progetto è “Il pane e la pace” .
Non vi sarà giuria, nessuna tassa per la partecipazione, né restituzione.
Non si accetteranno lavori con nudità, o inneggianti alla violenza ed al razzismo.
Works must be sent the name, address, email and website (if you have one) on the back of the postcard, no later than October 31, 2011 the following Address:
Avenue N. Feast, 3
75100 - Matera
For more information :
Tina Festa
indirizzo mail: materamailart@gmail.com
Monday, February 14, 2011
Nvidia Graphics, Whats Good?
A Vergato (Bo), gli alunni realizzano fischietti
La scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado di Vergato è l’unica scuola media della provincia di Bologna che adotta come strumento per musica l’ocarina, per questo motivo, nell'anno scolastico 2009/2010, le insegnanti Barbara Burgio (arte e immagine) e Annalisa Sardo (sostegno), decidono di affiancare il lavoro della docente di musica, Elide Melchioni, facendo realizzare ai ragazzi delle classi seconde dei fischietti sonori in terracotta.
The concert at year end: "Say, do, play" , June 7, 2010, at the square was an excellent Captains Vergato opportunity for children to exhibit their work, setting up a banquet that flanked the stage for the concert and also failed to demonstrate features of objects.
Premise each whistle has a different sound, more or less effective, depending on the attention the technique with which it was designed, it was not easy to get a collective melody. He then opted for the creation of a piece of improvisation, with no scores.
The project involved the integration of a disabled student, who, by participating in meetings, managed to establish a positive relationship with the students of the institution, even outside of their class.
Per eventuali contatti:
Prof. Burgio Barbara
email: barbara.burgio@fastwebnet.it
Scuola Sec. di primo grado "Veggetti"
Via Aldo Moro, 10 - Vergato - Bologna
L'insegnante Barbara Burgio ci invia la notizia la notizia di questo interessante progetto realizzato con le classi seconde della Scuola Secondaria di primo grado "Veggetti" e noi la pubblichiamo con piacere:
A Vergato (Bo), gli alunni realizzano fischietti
Gli alunni, dopo aver visionato prototipi realizzati dagli insegnanti o dai maestri “cucari”, si sono potuti esprimere liberamente nel dare forma al proprio manufatto, inspired by animals, birds or other, as was done in traditional whistles.
The concert at year end: "Say, do, play" , June 7, 2010, at the square was an excellent Captains Vergato opportunity for children to exhibit their work, setting up a banquet that flanked the stage for the concert and also failed to demonstrate features of objects.
Premise each whistle has a different sound, more or less effective, depending on the attention the technique with which it was designed, it was not easy to get a collective melody. He then opted for the creation of a piece of improvisation, with no scores.
The decision to create whistles is also born by the desire to bring the boys all’artigianato artistico, recuperando un'antica tradizione del territorio che sta scomparendo.
Per eventuali contatti:
Prof. Burgio Barbara
email: barbara.burgio@fastwebnet.it
Scuola Sec. di primo grado "Veggetti"
Via Aldo Moro, 10 - Vergato - Bologna
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Funbrain.compoptropica Cheats
Biennale Internazionale del Fischietto in Terracotta 2011 - CANOVE DI ROANA (VICENZA)
Art 1
Participation in the 10 th Biennial Terracotta Whistle - Sagra dei Cuchi - Feast of San Marco - in Canove of Roanoke (Vicenza) is open to all who will present their works in terracotta and ceramics characteristic of the whistling. 2
Art Biennale participants will present a minimum of three and maximum of six pieces. The works must not exceed the following measures 20x15x15 cm. The whistles that exceed these measures will be excluded from the Biennale. Article 3
Each submitted work must bring carved or written under the base name and surname of the author. 4
Art works remain on display from April 24 to May 15, 2011, in the Council Chamber of City Hall in Canove of Roanoke and then from June 1 to September 30, 2011 at the Museum Cuchi of Cesuna. Article 5
is not permitted to authors selling the whistles participating at the Biennale in the period of exposure to the public. Article 6
The application form, completed in its entirety, must be submitted to the Secretariat of the Biennale without fail by 12 April 2011, possibly also by fax or e-mail info@museodeicuchi.it.
Article 7 The works entered must be delivered or sent prepaid, at the headquarters of the secretariat of the "10th International Biennial Terracotta Whistle" in Via XXVII Aprile, 16-36010 Cesuna (VI) by April 20, 2011. Article 8
The works entered will be examined and evaluated by a qualified Selection Committee. Certificates of participation will be given to all the authors.
Article 9
The jury assessed the personalities of the potters through the works examined will award the following prizes:
1 º classified 1000 €
2 º ranked 600 €
3rd ranked 400 €
The organizers set up three prizes of 300 € will be allocated by same jury
• Best Foreign whistle. • Best
modeled according to tradition.
• Best innovative whistle. Article 10
The accession to the Review authorizing the organization to play for the printing of books and posters, without payment copyright, the works involved. To the poster of the XI th Review will be used, as usual, the work of 1 classification. Article 11
is also set up a prize of € 350 awarded by a jury. The counting of view, duly signed and collected in the month of July-August, in a special ballot box will be sealed, at 16:00, 31 August, the Mayor of Roanoke, or its trustee. When you finish counting, the ballots will be retained by the management of the "Museo dei Cuchi" in a separate sealed envelope, for a period of two years.
Article 12 The works of the potters winners in all categories of awards, together with the group by each individual artist, will remain the property of the festival that is committed to giving her the "Museo dei Cuchi" for their conservation and display. Article 13
's option, the authors of the works do not give awards to the same review that is committed to allocate as in paragraph 12 above. Otherwise, the works will remain available to the authors for two months after the end of exposure (September 30, 2011). After the above terms without any works to be withdrawn, the authors automatically lose their property rights. Article 14
organizers, while ensuring the utmost care and attention in the conservation and custody of the works, do not assume any liability for any damage or theft during transport, that the periods of exposure.
Article 15 Participation in the 10 th International Biennial Terracotta Whistle implies the unconditional acceptance of all provisions of this Regulation.
not charge any fee.
10a Biennale Internazionale del Fischietto in Terracotta
April 24, 2011
Here is the announcement of the Biennale on the whistle in Terracotta Canove of Roanoke.
All information on this announcement (brochure with the invitation card, membership card and accompanying whistles) can be downloaded from http://www.museodeicuchi.it/
Art 1
Participation in the 10 th Biennial Terracotta Whistle - Sagra dei Cuchi - Feast of San Marco - in Canove of Roanoke (Vicenza) is open to all who will present their works in terracotta and ceramics characteristic of the whistling. 2
Art Biennale participants will present a minimum of three and maximum of six pieces. The works must not exceed the following measures 20x15x15 cm. The whistles that exceed these measures will be excluded from the Biennale. Article 3
Each submitted work must bring carved or written under the base name and surname of the author. 4
Art works remain on display from April 24 to May 15, 2011, in the Council Chamber of City Hall in Canove of Roanoke and then from June 1 to September 30, 2011 at the Museum Cuchi of Cesuna. Article 5
is not permitted to authors selling the whistles participating at the Biennale in the period of exposure to the public. Article 6
The application form, completed in its entirety, must be submitted to the Secretariat of the Biennale without fail by 12 April 2011, possibly also by fax or e-mail info@museodeicuchi.it.
Article 7 The works entered must be delivered or sent prepaid, at the headquarters of the secretariat of the "10th International Biennial Terracotta Whistle" in Via XXVII Aprile, 16-36010 Cesuna (VI) by April 20, 2011. Article 8
The works entered will be examined and evaluated by a qualified Selection Committee. Certificates of participation will be given to all the authors.
Article 9
The jury assessed the personalities of the potters through the works examined will award the following prizes:
1 º classified 1000 €
2 º ranked 600 €
3rd ranked 400 €
The organizers set up three prizes of 300 € will be allocated by same jury
• Best Foreign whistle. • Best
modeled according to tradition.
• Best innovative whistle. Article 10
The accession to the Review authorizing the organization to play for the printing of books and posters, without payment copyright, the works involved. To the poster of the XI th Review will be used, as usual, the work of 1 classification. Article 11
is also set up a prize of € 350 awarded by a jury. The counting of view, duly signed and collected in the month of July-August, in a special ballot box will be sealed, at 16:00, 31 August, the Mayor of Roanoke, or its trustee. When you finish counting, the ballots will be retained by the management of the "Museo dei Cuchi" in a separate sealed envelope, for a period of two years.
Article 12 The works of the potters winners in all categories of awards, together with the group by each individual artist, will remain the property of the festival that is committed to giving her the "Museo dei Cuchi" for their conservation and display. Article 13
's option, the authors of the works do not give awards to the same review that is committed to allocate as in paragraph 12 above. Otherwise, the works will remain available to the authors for two months after the end of exposure (September 30, 2011). After the above terms without any works to be withdrawn, the authors automatically lose their property rights. Article 14
organizers, while ensuring the utmost care and attention in the conservation and custody of the works, do not assume any liability for any damage or theft during transport, that the periods of exposure.
Article 15 Participation in the 10 th International Biennial Terracotta Whistle implies the unconditional acceptance of all provisions of this Regulation.
not charge any fee.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Pink Shirt With Brown Boots
I vincitori del concorso di Rutigliano - 2011
Update 24.01.2011
The jury, composta da Mirella Casamassima, critico d'arte e docente di Storia dell'Arte all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bari, Rossana Bianco, docente del Dipartimento di Lingue e Tradizioni culturali europee all'Università di Bari, Nicola Mangialardi, giornalista di Telenorba e Gianni Capotorto, giornalista e scrittore, esperto di tradizioni popolari, ha decretato vincitrice l'opera “La conquista dell'Unità d'Italia” dell'artista Giovanni Ippolito di Gioia del Colle (Bari).
Al secondo posto si è classificata l'opera “Sveglia!” di Pippo Moresca di Rutigliano (Bari);
al terzo posto l'opera “Sorelle d'Italia” di Pasqua Rosaria Cassano Bari
Special Awards: "Satire", "As long as the boat goes ..." Diego Poloniato Nove (Vicenza);
"Whistle innovative," "On the horizon we expect the ' unicorn "Pippo Moorish, also reported by the jury's work," Bird "by Donato France Silvi Marina (Teramo).
Tomorrow night will also be rewarded the whistle as voted by visitors to the exhibition of the competition (open to the public at Palazzo San Domenico, with free admission, until 23 January): "hiccup" by Francesco Laforgia Rutigliano (Bari ) awarded even the winners of the special sections of the competition reserved for city schools .
Info: tel 080.4763748 / 080.4769062 - Fax 0804763792 - Email cultura@comune.rutigliano.ba.it
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Swolen Big Toe Trobbing
Suono nelle mani. L'arte di Tommaso Niglio, il libro di Antonella Mazzilli
cover price € 19.00
edition: LaStamperiaEdizioni - Liantonio
dim. 365 pages 21x21
clicking on this link
sound in the hands. The art of Thomas Niglio.
's book Antonella Mazzilli
"There has never happened to be fascinated by music which will overwhelm the first cascade of notes and only then, begin to consider the meaning of words, discovering that the melody of the work flows mainly from the essence of words and poetry ... that without the help of powerful sounds v'avrebbe never reached the heart?
Well, probably the same feeling you browse in this book that will carry you in Vienna made a carousel of memories in black and white in bright colors that become the reality of joyful and wonderful handmade creations.
thus allowing your eyes access to the poetry of memories of a family of Matera, humble and great for what it has produced. Cuckoo, small wonders of sounds archaic forms childlike imagery and colors, emblems of an old familiar sound, born from the hands of the pride father who modeled the shapeless mass of clay from the kiln in which he had spent all day working under the watchful eyes of the children curious and dreamy . This was the final appointment of a frugal dinner around a large wooden table, but not enough of a family of ten. Thomas Niglio represents the third generation of builders of whistles, family tradition was born probably in the mid nineteenth century by the founder Grandpa Joseph. Secrets reached by Thomas and Thomas sent to his brother Francesco represent the continuity of ancient knowledge.
With this we want to give a concrete proof to those who, with his hands and his heart, was able to give sound clay.
The books are sold in stationery Liantonio Via Lucania 16 in Matera and online at www.liantonio.com cover price € 19.00
edition: LaStamperiaEdizioni - Liantonio
dim. 365 pages 21x21
clicking on this link
The author of the book:
Antonella Mazzilli was born in 1965 in Matera. After studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in visual communication work putting in all his experiences from drawing and painting to photography to get and use of new multimedia tools. Each of his research project includes a basic historical development and a very personal and original.
Today, married and mother of two sons, Antonio Mazzilli "plays" through their creativity with reality that surrounds it by digging into the past with a careful look at this. Research, irony, abstraction, rhetoric are the ingredients of its graphic design and artistic ability to surprise and make people think.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Imgen Motherboard Del Ipod
Fiera del fischietto in terracotta - Rutigliano 2011
Fonte articolo : la Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
Qui il calendario degli eventi.
Aggiornamento del 15.01.2011 dal sito: comune.rutigliano.ba.it
Ecco la Festa di Sant’Antonio Abate con la sua caratteristica Fiera dei Fischietti in Terracotta, unica del suo genere in Italia.
Dalle ore 7 alle ore 22 di Domenica 16 e Lunedì January 17, the municipal pine wood, a long snake of noisy and colorful stalls will wait for an opportunity that many tourists come from all over Italy, winding among the food stalls of local associations. The Terracotta
whistles, typical products of rutiglianese, reproduce, often in caricature form (January 17 marks the beginning of the Carnival), people more or less known in the city, but also the national political landscape, the world of entertainment , TV and sports.
also prevalent traditional "Galli-Whistles" which ancient custom for every man gives the woman as his declaration of love. The highlight of
Fair is Monday, January 17: scheduled pitches folklore, the traditional blessing of the animals (15,30) and the launching of balloons (20,00).
Italian Post Office will perform a temporary service for special postmark San Domenico Palace, home of the Museum of Terracotta Whistle "Divella ', where he also staged an exhibition of 23 works in competition for the National Competition of the Terracotta Whistle" City of Rutigliano ": visitors to the exhibition (free admission) will be able to express their preference by voting in a special polling station and thus to contribute to the choice of" Whistle People 2011, "between 58 realizzati da artisti di Puglia, Veneto, Umbria, Toscana, Calabria, Sicilia e Abruzzo.
A Palazzo San Domenico è allestita anche la mostra collettiva di artisti rutiglianesi, “Contaminazioni d’arte”.
Info: tel 080.4763748 / 080.4769062 - fax 0804763792
mail cultura@comune.rutigliano.ba.it
Solo per i giornalisti: 349.7553793
Rutigliano, XXIII competition terracotta whistle
from tomorrow we
Gianni Capotorto
RUTIGLIANO - The 23rd national competition in terracotta whistle 'City of Rutigliano "opens its doors tomorrow Thursday. The 58 works accepted in the competition were made by the main exponents of Italian art pottery. The largest group, 19 artists, is to Puglia (13 Rutigliano only three of Bari, also represented Conversano, Gioia del Colle and Grottaglie), the other artists in the race coming from Veneto, Umbria, Abruzzo, Calabria, Tuscany and Sicily . All have grappled with the theme "Unity of Italy and whistles," chosen for this year in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Italian State.
The opening ceremony of the exhibition of films in competition is scheduled to 18.30 in San Domenico Palace, home of the Museum of Terracotta Whistles, with assistance from the Mayor Roberto Romagno and municipal councilor for Tourism Gianvito Defilippis. A jury of experts will select the most beautiful whistles, whose authors will be awarded prizes purchase (1,300 € to the winner, € 600 per second, the third € 400) and the "Fisoro 'trophy created by the goldsmith Delliturri Vincenzo; The jury, which will meet this morning, will also have the task of identifying the work addressed the special prize for the satire.
Like every year, but also visitors to the exhibition can vote il fischietto preferito in un apposito seggio elettorale allestito sabato 16 e domenica 17 gennaio: all’opera più votata andrà il premio «Fischietto popolare 2011».
Domani sera nel corso della cerimonia sarà presentata anche l’opera in terracotta realizzata dal maestro rutiglianese Vito Moccia, dedicata a Mario Monicelli, il regista e sceneggiatore tra i principali esponenti della commedia all’italiana, recentemente scomparso. Prevista anche una relazione del giornalista Emanuele Cazzolla che illustrerà la storia del concorso.
Oltre alla mostra delle opere in gara, per la prima volta Palazzo San Domenico ospiterà anche una collettiva di artisti rutiglianesi dal titolo «Contaminazioni d’arte»: esporranno Mariarosaria Colamussi, Giovanna Delliturri, Giuseppe Lombardo, Giuseppe Torello, Valerio Palumbo e Francesco Laforgia.
Fonte articolo : la Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
Qui il calendario degli eventi.
Aggiornamento del 15.01.2011 dal sito: comune.rutigliano.ba.it
Ecco la Festa di Sant’Antonio Abate con la sua caratteristica Fiera dei Fischietti in Terracotta, unica del suo genere in Italia.
Dalle ore 7 alle ore 22 di Domenica 16 e Lunedì January 17, the municipal pine wood, a long snake of noisy and colorful stalls will wait for an opportunity that many tourists come from all over Italy, winding among the food stalls of local associations. The Terracotta
whistles, typical products of rutiglianese, reproduce, often in caricature form (January 17 marks the beginning of the Carnival), people more or less known in the city, but also the national political landscape, the world of entertainment , TV and sports.
also prevalent traditional "Galli-Whistles" which ancient custom for every man gives the woman as his declaration of love. The highlight of
Fair is Monday, January 17: scheduled pitches folklore, the traditional blessing of the animals (15,30) and the launching of balloons (20,00).
Italian Post Office will perform a temporary service for special postmark San Domenico Palace, home of the Museum of Terracotta Whistle "Divella ', where he also staged an exhibition of 23 works in competition for the National Competition of the Terracotta Whistle" City of Rutigliano ": visitors to the exhibition (free admission) will be able to express their preference by voting in a special polling station and thus to contribute to the choice of" Whistle People 2011, "between 58 realizzati da artisti di Puglia, Veneto, Umbria, Toscana, Calabria, Sicilia e Abruzzo.
A Palazzo San Domenico è allestita anche la mostra collettiva di artisti rutiglianesi, “Contaminazioni d’arte”.
Info: tel 080.4763748 / 080.4769062 - fax 0804763792
mail cultura@comune.rutigliano.ba.it
Solo per i giornalisti: 349.7553793
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