ANNA MARIA Tanucci "And God created butterflies" "And God created the Butterfly" Staff of the painter
God created butterflies and ANNA MARIA Tanucci invented and colors and inventory snapshots of a fecund and maternal nature, offering the viewer, Icarus barefoot era recycled and eco-technology, a déjà vu from the bittersweet taste.
painter and viewer reborn butterflies, clouds between muffled and scents of orange blossoms in bloom and spread their wings, eyes closed, forced away from the center of gravity, and gravity prison, to drown in the symphonies of silence. In Tanucci of encyclopedia entries, the Woman-Butterfly and synthesizes tasted Heaven and Earth, childhood and maturity, past and future, details are firmly anchored on the expressive naturalism.
Through a process of lib (s) ration, the painter of Lizzano (TA), news Demeter, shapes the cosmos, declining with light and color stretch skilled and experienced groped without forcing too futuristic or artificially. The art should not represent reality, it must investigate with special lenses, must rebuild it out of context and should break up the mosaic of false certainties, ignoring the conceit of the dumb goal and give form and color to the Weltanschauung of the thinking subject. Life is in the details. If you look closely closely, you see the beauty in everything.
ANNA MARIA photographer, with great efficiency and precision, not the individual butterfly and the flower of the moment on which it rests, but the springtime of life, staging and choreography by quavers colors, depicted a slight dance step that allows you to sample the infinite. In tele polyglot, aftertaste sometimes didactic, preserves the poetry of flight, with the fore in monologues and documentaries (slyly) ecological.
The production of prismatic Tanucci radiates warmth and peace, between the unspoken wounds of a primordial nature, with fascinating and disconcerting for the simplicity of its structure, but where not everything is obvious, because the eye of the artist questions and enjoy small bites to the truth, to discover, in communion with the viewer, recondite harmonies Soul Mundi. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication "Leonardo Da Vinci docet.
LUIGI PIGNATELLI Taranto, October 14, 2008