Splendida luce durante un transito a FCO, in attesa dell'imbarco :)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Gumpaste Shoe Templates
ANNA MARIA Tanucci "And God created butterflies"
"And God created the Butterfly" Staff of the painter
God created butterflies and ANNA MARIA Tanucci invented and colors and inventory snapshots of a fecund and maternal nature, offering the viewer, Icarus barefoot era recycled and eco-technology, a déjà vu from the bittersweet taste.
painter and viewer reborn butterflies, clouds between muffled and scents of orange blossoms in bloom and spread their wings, eyes closed, forced away from the center of gravity, and gravity prison, to drown in the symphonies of silence. In Tanucci of encyclopedia entries, the Woman-Butterfly and synthesizes tasted Heaven and Earth, childhood and maturity, past and future, details are firmly anchored on the expressive naturalism.
Through a process of lib (s) ration, the painter of Lizzano (TA), news Demeter, shapes the cosmos, declining with light and color stretch skilled and experienced groped without forcing too futuristic or artificially. The art should not represent reality, it must investigate with special lenses, must rebuild it out of context and should break up the mosaic of false certainties, ignoring the conceit of the dumb goal and give form and color to the Weltanschauung of the thinking subject. Life is in the details. If you look closely closely, you see the beauty in everything.
ANNA MARIA photographer, with great efficiency and precision, not the individual butterfly and the flower of the moment on which it rests, but the springtime of life, staging and choreography by quavers colors, depicted a slight dance step that allows you to sample the infinite. In tele polyglot, aftertaste sometimes didactic, preserves the poetry of flight, with the fore in monologues and documentaries (slyly) ecological.
The production of prismatic Tanucci radiates warmth and peace, between the unspoken wounds of a primordial nature, with fascinating and disconcerting for the simplicity of its structure, but where not everything is obvious, because the eye of the artist questions and enjoy small bites to the truth, to discover, in communion with the viewer, recondite harmonies Soul Mundi. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication "Leonardo Da Vinci docet.
LUIGI PIGNATELLI Taranto, October 14, 2008
"And God created the Butterfly" Staff of the painter
God created butterflies and ANNA MARIA Tanucci invented and colors and inventory snapshots of a fecund and maternal nature, offering the viewer, Icarus barefoot era recycled and eco-technology, a déjà vu from the bittersweet taste.
painter and viewer reborn butterflies, clouds between muffled and scents of orange blossoms in bloom and spread their wings, eyes closed, forced away from the center of gravity, and gravity prison, to drown in the symphonies of silence. In Tanucci of encyclopedia entries, the Woman-Butterfly and synthesizes tasted Heaven and Earth, childhood and maturity, past and future, details are firmly anchored on the expressive naturalism.
Through a process of lib (s) ration, the painter of Lizzano (TA), news Demeter, shapes the cosmos, declining with light and color stretch skilled and experienced groped without forcing too futuristic or artificially. The art should not represent reality, it must investigate with special lenses, must rebuild it out of context and should break up the mosaic of false certainties, ignoring the conceit of the dumb goal and give form and color to the Weltanschauung of the thinking subject. Life is in the details. If you look closely closely, you see the beauty in everything.
ANNA MARIA photographer, with great efficiency and precision, not the individual butterfly and the flower of the moment on which it rests, but the springtime of life, staging and choreography by quavers colors, depicted a slight dance step that allows you to sample the infinite. In tele polyglot, aftertaste sometimes didactic, preserves the poetry of flight, with the fore in monologues and documentaries (slyly) ecological.
The production of prismatic Tanucci radiates warmth and peace, between the unspoken wounds of a primordial nature, with fascinating and disconcerting for the simplicity of its structure, but where not everything is obvious, because the eye of the artist questions and enjoy small bites to the truth, to discover, in communion with the viewer, recondite harmonies Soul Mundi. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication "Leonardo Da Vinci docet.
LUIGI PIGNATELLI Taranto, October 14, 2008
Monday, July 6, 2009
Navman F20 Internal Memory
Thomas Resta, the "Brat"
"Cogito Ergo Sum"
painter's first solo
THOMAS IS THE "rascal"
Class in 1979, the innovative painter THOMAS REMAINS, the "rascal" , with his production artist, architect and builds a bridge between the comic book heroes in the round of the last century and cybernetic alien presences in contemporary cinema. In the kaleidoscope of spells that the writer gives us a native of Mott, the man breathes and swallows sand and earth, myth and fiction, reality e sogno, cinema e letteratura, vagiti risoluti e incertezze crepuscolari, poesia da Street Art e rigorismo d’Accademia, su coordinate cartesiane che centrano e debordano l’humus in cui TOMMASO è nato e cresciuto. Coerede di Cartesio, l’Artista brandisce e plasma il cogito - con cui la scuola fenomenologica designa l’autoevidenza esistenziale del soggetto pensante, cioè la certezza che il soggetto pensante ha della sua esistenza in quanto tale - e, sulla rotta di Svevo, sostituendo penna e calamaio con pennarello e smalto, fraziona e transustanzia coscienza e discernimento, esplorando l’inconscio rivelato e rivoluzionato da Schopenhauer e Freud.
L’itinerario di RESTA procede con disinvoltura e mestiere, sia sul piano formale, sia su quello ideologico, verso l’approfondimento di una visione della vita e di una concezione della pittura (e, più in generale, dell’arte) chiaramente definite sin dai primi graffiti, partoriti in tenera età. Poetiche e tecniche, con l’avanzare degli anni (relativamente pochi, in verità) si perfezionano, si precisano, acquistano spessore, per un lavoro di scavo che non rinnega il punto di partenza, lento, discreto, privo di voluttà narcisistiche. Come Montale (in poesia), il MONELLO trasmigra (su tela, legno o parete), rinvenendola negli oggetti, negli aspetti più ovvi, la condizione di un cosmico male di vivere: la sua pittura è consapevolezza della negatività, non-being, the non-fulfillment. Relies on the chain of relationships that analog sets off the spark and the ability to research solutions to the reality of experience to offer. Analyzing the ducts and masking the unconscious, taken apart and reinvented the daily horizon, with a pinch of irony and self-mockery, an anthropomorphic demons of Olympus, where the statue of his adolescence holds, new Atlantis, the stratified rocks of the psyche and taxes, because "There's a big mess! [And] I have not been. "
The Muse of Thomas investigates the entries and the reasons for a society devoid of any secure values \u200b\u200band beliefs, where "The Monster TV "eats the brain, and inspired works sometimes simple (but never simplistic), sometimes in complex construction, matrixiana memory, and often labyrinthine dream. The maze misteriosofico that appears to the viewer, young Theseus, is decorated with symbols that remains, sensibly, spreads on the canvas; codes that conceal and reveal (even in the form of rebus) the philosophy of the artist and giving discipline and order to disorder color of her brat. Host of numerous collective and EXPO ARTE di Bari (in 2007 and 2008), The "Pirate" Palagianello (TA) - the city where he lives and works - in 2007 he received the prestigious International Award ANTHONY VAN DYCK. "Cogito ERGO SUM "is the first solo exhibition at the Monell, THOMAS REMAINS, by the Cultural Hermes, the IV Edition HERMES ART FESTIVAL. A day will discuss the thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bari
Luigi Pignatelli - October 13, 2008 Taranto
"Cogito Ergo Sum"
painter's first solo
THOMAS IS THE "rascal"
Class in 1979, the innovative painter THOMAS REMAINS, the "rascal" , with his production artist, architect and builds a bridge between the comic book heroes in the round of the last century and cybernetic alien presences in contemporary cinema. In the kaleidoscope of spells that the writer gives us a native of Mott, the man breathes and swallows sand and earth, myth and fiction, reality e sogno, cinema e letteratura, vagiti risoluti e incertezze crepuscolari, poesia da Street Art e rigorismo d’Accademia, su coordinate cartesiane che centrano e debordano l’humus in cui TOMMASO è nato e cresciuto. Coerede di Cartesio, l’Artista brandisce e plasma il cogito - con cui la scuola fenomenologica designa l’autoevidenza esistenziale del soggetto pensante, cioè la certezza che il soggetto pensante ha della sua esistenza in quanto tale - e, sulla rotta di Svevo, sostituendo penna e calamaio con pennarello e smalto, fraziona e transustanzia coscienza e discernimento, esplorando l’inconscio rivelato e rivoluzionato da Schopenhauer e Freud.
L’itinerario di RESTA procede con disinvoltura e mestiere, sia sul piano formale, sia su quello ideologico, verso l’approfondimento di una visione della vita e di una concezione della pittura (e, più in generale, dell’arte) chiaramente definite sin dai primi graffiti, partoriti in tenera età. Poetiche e tecniche, con l’avanzare degli anni (relativamente pochi, in verità) si perfezionano, si precisano, acquistano spessore, per un lavoro di scavo che non rinnega il punto di partenza, lento, discreto, privo di voluttà narcisistiche. Come Montale (in poesia), il MONELLO trasmigra (su tela, legno o parete), rinvenendola negli oggetti, negli aspetti più ovvi, la condizione di un cosmico male di vivere: la sua pittura è consapevolezza della negatività, non-being, the non-fulfillment. Relies on the chain of relationships that analog sets off the spark and the ability to research solutions to the reality of experience to offer. Analyzing the ducts and masking the unconscious, taken apart and reinvented the daily horizon, with a pinch of irony and self-mockery, an anthropomorphic demons of Olympus, where the statue of his adolescence holds, new Atlantis, the stratified rocks of the psyche and taxes, because "There's a big mess! [And] I have not been. "
The Muse of Thomas investigates the entries and the reasons for a society devoid of any secure values \u200b\u200band beliefs, where "The Monster TV "eats the brain, and inspired works sometimes simple (but never simplistic), sometimes in complex construction, matrixiana memory, and often labyrinthine dream. The maze misteriosofico that appears to the viewer, young Theseus, is decorated with symbols that remains, sensibly, spreads on the canvas; codes that conceal and reveal (even in the form of rebus) the philosophy of the artist and giving discipline and order to disorder color of her brat. Host of numerous collective and EXPO ARTE di Bari (in 2007 and 2008), The "Pirate" Palagianello (TA) - the city where he lives and works - in 2007 he received the prestigious International Award ANTHONY VAN DYCK. "Cogito ERGO SUM "is the first solo exhibition at the Monell, THOMAS REMAINS, by the Cultural Hermes, the IV Edition HERMES ART FESTIVAL. A day will discuss the thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bari
Luigi Pignatelli - October 13, 2008 Taranto
Letter Of Recommendation For Retail Sales
Tiziana Prontera "The dragon and the sea "The Night of the Muses
"The Dragon and the Sea of \u200b\u200bProntera TIZIANA
Opera Narrative (108 pp.)
Horizon Publishing - Pulsano, 2008
Emulates St. George, Tiziana Prontera suppresses the Dragon, fed by unconscious fears, returning under the star Flavia, and our, the embrace ristoratore del Mare, nido caldo e fecondo, in cui passato, presente e futuro si fondono, cristallizzando istantanee di crome e versi.
Co-protagonista indiscusso del romanzo, il Mare veste, metaforicamente e pragmaticamente, i panni di un terapista gratuito (a portata di piedi), che svela e disvela gli altalenanti equilibri di una vita consumata fino al midollo. Emblema della donna del terzo millennio, Flavia, perennemente in bilico, funambola avanza sul filo strappato alla primavera della vita.
Novella Wendy, cerca la sua isola nei fantasmi dell’amore passato o tra gli ambigui presagi di Morfeo; nel sorriso o negli occhi logorroici e schietti dell’amica giunta dalla Russia; nelle carezze o nell’estasi dell’amico more intimate, in an early rebellion against the traditions of mom and dad, equilateral angle and catheter of the triptych, in the air of love in the family home, but not the biological passport and visceral. The horizon
polynomial last literary effort of TIZIANA Prontera, a talented writer and poet originally from SAVA (TA), limits and overflows the banks of a pond, polyphonic and multi-faceted, in which the reader of all ages swimming with ease and trade, because breathing, heart and stroke by Flavia and Tiziana are synchronous. The author uses eighteen different keys (one per chapter) to open the "treasure chest tin '- forces of oblivion in which the protagonist, on the route of Pandora, keeps hope - and outlines and expands, with pen never redundant or convoluted, flashbacks and digressions from the chromaticism sometimes melancholy, sometimes enchanted, sometimes symphonic. The author, through a light, easy to use prose, leads us to hand in the labyrinths of the soul of a heroine of our time, enlightened by a vision of another, a magic lens, poetic, at times surreal, which allows understand that, basically, "time does not exist" and that "love is like pasta."
literary works of great merit, "The Dragon and the Sea" has an issue of respect, edited by Horizon Books, and a graphic that discovers, thanks to the intuition of the Artistic Director ANNA MARIA Tanucci the luxury of simplicity and immediacy and the value of the prismatic and chameleon-like white, pure and spontaneous mix of light and refraction. In symbiosis and osmosis emotions and metaphors with the author, the Cultural Association Hermes gave the Maecenas DINA TURKISH - writer born in Pulsano (TA), art critic and contemporary literature, as well as owner of Horizon Publishing - one of three Special Prizes "Tin Soul", 2008, the IV Edition HERMES Art Festival, for his excellent work in the packaging work of fiction.
Luigi PIGNATELLI - Taranto, 13 ottobre 2008
"The Dragon and the Sea of \u200b\u200bProntera TIZIANA
Opera Narrative (108 pp.)
Horizon Publishing - Pulsano, 2008
Emulates St. George, Tiziana Prontera suppresses the Dragon, fed by unconscious fears, returning under the star Flavia, and our, the embrace ristoratore del Mare, nido caldo e fecondo, in cui passato, presente e futuro si fondono, cristallizzando istantanee di crome e versi.
Co-protagonista indiscusso del romanzo, il Mare veste, metaforicamente e pragmaticamente, i panni di un terapista gratuito (a portata di piedi), che svela e disvela gli altalenanti equilibri di una vita consumata fino al midollo. Emblema della donna del terzo millennio, Flavia, perennemente in bilico, funambola avanza sul filo strappato alla primavera della vita.
Novella Wendy, cerca la sua isola nei fantasmi dell’amore passato o tra gli ambigui presagi di Morfeo; nel sorriso o negli occhi logorroici e schietti dell’amica giunta dalla Russia; nelle carezze o nell’estasi dell’amico more intimate, in an early rebellion against the traditions of mom and dad, equilateral angle and catheter of the triptych, in the air of love in the family home, but not the biological passport and visceral. The horizon
polynomial last literary effort of TIZIANA Prontera, a talented writer and poet originally from SAVA (TA), limits and overflows the banks of a pond, polyphonic and multi-faceted, in which the reader of all ages swimming with ease and trade, because breathing, heart and stroke by Flavia and Tiziana are synchronous. The author uses eighteen different keys (one per chapter) to open the "treasure chest tin '- forces of oblivion in which the protagonist, on the route of Pandora, keeps hope - and outlines and expands, with pen never redundant or convoluted, flashbacks and digressions from the chromaticism sometimes melancholy, sometimes enchanted, sometimes symphonic. The author, through a light, easy to use prose, leads us to hand in the labyrinths of the soul of a heroine of our time, enlightened by a vision of another, a magic lens, poetic, at times surreal, which allows understand that, basically, "time does not exist" and that "love is like pasta."
literary works of great merit, "The Dragon and the Sea" has an issue of respect, edited by Horizon Books, and a graphic that discovers, thanks to the intuition of the Artistic Director ANNA MARIA Tanucci the luxury of simplicity and immediacy and the value of the prismatic and chameleon-like white, pure and spontaneous mix of light and refraction. In symbiosis and osmosis emotions and metaphors with the author, the Cultural Association Hermes gave the Maecenas DINA TURKISH - writer born in Pulsano (TA), art critic and contemporary literature, as well as owner of Horizon Publishing - one of three Special Prizes "Tin Soul", 2008, the IV Edition HERMES Art Festival, for his excellent work in the packaging work of fiction.
Luigi PIGNATELLI - Taranto, 13 ottobre 2008
Friday, July 3, 2009
Credible Sources For Diabetes
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